Adoption process part 2

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The next day..

"Hey buck you ready to go" Maddie yelled at Buck who was still trying to figure out what to wear.

"No, I don't know what to wear" Buck said coming out of his room in just his boxer briefs.

"Evan go out clothes on" Maddie said trying not to laugh. "Just put on some sweatpants and a shirt"

"Okay give me 5 minutes" Buck said going back to his room. 5 minutes later he came out with black Nike sweats and grey Nike tee shirt.

"Finally, let's go we are supposed to meet him in 10 minutes and thats how long it takes us to get there." Maddie said walking towards the door "Hey, we are going to go to meet that one guy we were talking to you about last night, the one that wants to adopt us. Be back soon" she yelled at the others in the house.

"Sounds good, be safe and come right home." Someone yelled back

"We will" Buck said closing the door behind him.

At the adoption center..

Bobby is pacing back and forth waiting to go in until he has the kids there with him. He sees the kids running up so he gets out of his truck to greet them. "Hey Buck, hey Maddie" he said giving them both a big hug.

"Hi Bobby" they both said back

"Ready to go in" he said opening the door to go in

"Yeah let's go" Maddie said holding Bucks hand and walking in.

"Hello, how can I help you guys out today" the receptionist said.

"Um I am here to see Carol. I am adopting these 2 kids and today we are signing the papers." Bobby said back

"Okay sounds good. Carol is down the hall and to the left in the big office" the receptionist said pointing down the hall.

"Thank your so much" Bobby said with a smile on his face. "Your welcome" she said back.

After signing the papers..

"Okay so in 10 days I will be picking you to up and taking you to my house, you guys are officially my kids. If you would like I can take you to go see my house before taking you home." Bobby said walking out of the building with the kids.

"Sure we would love to see the house." Buck said looking at Maddie. "Is that okay?" Buck asked.

"Yeah quickly we can." Maddie said hoping in Bobby's truck. "YAYYYYYY" Buck yelled.

At Bobby's house..

"Well this is it, it's kinda small but it will fill up quick with you too." Bobby said ruffling up Bucks hair.

Maddie picks the big room while Buck gets the one right next to Bobby's across from Maddie's. Bobby can't wait for the kids to fill up their rooms and make them their own.

10 days later...

Buck takes all of his stuff over in the first load cause he doesn't have that much. Maddie's is next with 2 loads. Once it is all in the house the kids start to settle down, putting everything were they want it to go.

Buck is smiling the whole time so happy that he now has a forever home where he will not be judged and can be and do what he wants. Maddie is also happy, she gets to live with a happy Buck and thats all she could ever wish for in life.

Bobby is a bit overwhelmed but overly happy at the same time. He has always wanted kids and he really loves Buck and Maddie, they seem like good kids. He helps Buck and Maddie move their dressers and beds and desks into place, and helping them hang all of their paper and stuff up on the walls.

They are so happy that they finally get what they want.
*I know I jumped around a lot but I think this is good.*

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