Vacation part 2

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When me and Eddie woke up, Chris was snuggled up to us. We all got on our swim trunks, Eddie's whole body looked hot. Once Chris was in his I went to change into mine. We left and went to the pool to see everyone there but Bobby.

"Where's Bobby?" I asked Athena.

"He was really tired so I decided not to wake him up, plus May was getting fussy so I figured we should come out sooner rather than later." She said turning May around so she could see me.

She immediately reached out for me so I got in the pool and grabbed her. She was a little scared at first but as soon as she was in the water she loved it. I swam with her for little bit then I have her to Maddie and I swam with Chris. Them me and Eddie swam, I was on his back, and eventually Bobby came outside.

"Dadddddd!!" I yelled jumping off of Eddies shoulders to go give him a hug.

"Hey kid, what's up?" He asked giving me a big hug back.

"Nothing we are just swimming." I said finally releasing him from the hug.

"I see that, well you go have fun I'm going to go sit with Athena." He said walking to Athena.

I jumped back into the pool splashing Eddie and jumped into his arms again. This time tho he carried me like a baby, with my arms around his neck and my head on his shoulders. He kissed me.

After a couple hours everyone left but me and Eddie stayed in the pool together, Maddie and Chim took Chris for the night that way we could have some more alone time. Me and Eddie float around the pool talking about this and that, nothing really in particular when he asked me a question. "Hey Buck can I ask you a question?".

"Um yeah sure, what's up?" I asked back.

"Well I've been thinking a lot about this and I think it's time. I know we are young and only just met but I gave you a promise ring g a couple months ago and I would really love it if I could trade that promise ring for a engagement ring! Is that okay?" He asked me. I was shocked I thought that this day would never come.

"Yes Eddie that's okay." I said back with a smile on my face.

"Well in that case why don't we head back to the room so I can actually propose." He said getting out of the pool and helping me out.

Eddie's POV

I have this whole thing planned out. I'm going to finally ask him to marry me. I got Bobby and Athena's permission last week, and Maddie's permission too. They are all waiting back at our room for us to get there. I ask him in a subtle way before actually proposing just to make sure that he is okay with it.

"Hey Buck can I ask you a question?" I asked

"Um yeah sure, what's up?" He replied.

"Well I've been thinking a lot about this and I think it's time. I know we are young and only just met but I gave you a promise ring g a couple months ago and I would really love it if I could trade that promise ring for a engagement ring! Is that okay?" I asked, watching his face change.

"Yes Eddie that's okay." He said back with a huge smile on his face

"Well in that case why don't we head back to the room so I can actually propose." I said getting out of the pool before helping him out.

We walked back to our room hand in hand with big smiles on both of our faces. I shoot Athena a quick text saying that we are on our way back. Once we get there I head straight to Chris duffle bag where I hid the ring and pulled it out. I got down on one knee in front of him.

"Evan Buckley-Nash will you do the honor of marrying me and becoming my husband?" I asked with a smile on my face already knowing the answer.

"Yes, a million times yes." He said covering his mouth with a few tears falling down his cheeks. I take the ring out and place it in his finger and right on que everyone came out of their hiding spots.

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