Going to the station

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6 months later Buck is now 8 and in 3rd grade, he hasn't seen Bobby since they were at the police station. The people that took Buck and Maddie in got rid of him cause Buck was being a bit aggressive.

Him and Maddie moved around a lot because of Buck but that's whatever he didn't mind.

At school one day his class decided that they were going to go on a field trip to the fire station which made buck very happy cause again he wants to be a firefighter when he grows up.

At the fire station....

"Come on guys chop chop the kids will be here in an hour"Captain said

"Yes sir"Bobby said

Bobby's POV..

I work all day, I want to be the captain so bad I feel like I am close but I just don't know. My captain now is kinda annoying and my crew is kinda mean to me because I once called a cop cute. According to them that's not okay but I don't know why not.

I love kids very much and it's always so much fun when kids from schools come to the station. I've always wanted kids of my own but I can't seem to keep a relationship long enough. Apparently girls don't like 28 year old guys anymore.

Back to normal..

It was time to go to the station and buck was almost jumping off the walls with excitement.  He couldn't wait to meet everyone of the firefighters.

Once buck got there, their was this one firefighter Bobby. He seemed really cool and buck stayed but him the whole time.

Bobby's POV..

This one kid was so cute. He stayed with me the whole time until he realized that it was Buck. The kid that he talked to 6 months ago at the police station.

Bucks POV..

I saw him he looked just like I remembered him from 6 months ago. He was tall and strong and still had that smile on his face

Bobby's POV

After a little bit the teachers let us firefighters go around and speak to the kids. I decided to just stick around and talk to Buck.

"So buck what do you want to be when you grow up"I asked him not remembering what he told me last time I asked him

"I want to be a firefighter"Buck said with a giant smile on his face. "For as long as I could remember I wanted to be a firefighter, my dad never let me even think about it tho.....".

"Oh my gosh, why is that"I said completely shocked that someone would not let their own kid be what he wanted to be.

"I don't know, he just always wanted me and my sister to be doctors that way we could make a bunch of money, but I don't really care about money I just want to help people."Buck said

"Well I'm sorry about that your dad seems mean. What does your sister think about becoming a doctor or the fact that your dad doesn't want you to be what you want to be."I said

"Well my sister wants to be a doctor because she too wants to help people, so she doesn't mind but I don't know, she also thinks my dad was stupid for not letting me be me."I said

"Was?"I said super confused at this point.

"Yeah was, my parents died in a car crash 6 months ago."Buck said

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry, how are you doing."I said

"I'm fine, I am living with some foster parents but I don't care for them but nobody really wants to keep me so we have jumped around a lot."Buck said

"What do you mean nobody wants you."I said

"I can be a bit of a trouble maker sometimes and nobody wants to keep me but nobody will separate me and my sister so we just move around a lot because people say I am to aggressive and annoying." He said back to me.

"Oh well you know I would love to meet your sister and who knows maybe I could adopt you." I said without even thinking but then once I did I didn't try and take it back.

Buck seems super cool and I feel like he already thinks of me as a father figure considering I haven't known him that long.

His face absolutely lit up and he gave me a big hug and said "Please Bobby please, adopt me and my sister please."

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