Stuff With Buck

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Bobby's POV

I wake up at 7 and walk into Bucks room to see him still sleeping with May on his chest, and Chris in between his legs all cuddled up and Eddie is awake and is playing with his hair, his head is on Eddie's chest.

"Oh hey Bobby" Eddie says so quite I can barely hear him

"Hey do you want me to take May and Chris or no?" I asked stepping further into the room so we can whisper so we don't wake up anyone else in the bed.

"Honestly I think that he would wake up if we moved either of them so it's fine he looks comfortable." Eddie says trying not to laugh.

"I don't think u have ever seen him look so peaceful in his sleep, I'm so glad that he has you in his life Eddie. You have no idea how much he means to me and how much you mean to him. He also loves kids and from what I've seen Chris really likes him as well and clearly so does May considering that she woke up almost 6 hours ago and hasn't woke up yet." I really am super grateful for Eddie and Chris.

"I know Bobby, thank you so much for everything." He says slowly drifting back off to sleep as well.

"Your welcome.." I say as I walk out.

I decided to start breakfast for Athena and the boys and kids when they finally decide to wake up. Me and Buck have a shift at noon so hopefully he wakes up soon so he can shower and stuff.

About an hour later I had a verity of stuff out on the table. I made both pancakes and waffles, bacon and sausage, fruit, syrups and chocolate chips, and eggs. As I finished putting everything on the table Athena walked into the kitchen quickly followed by Buck who had both Chris and May in his arms, one on each side, and Eddie following right behind him.

"Morning fam, I made breakfast." I said walking up to Athena and hugged her. "And a good morning to you beautiful." She smiled

"Good morning handsome." She said back.

"Hey kid looks like you have your hands full." I say trying to take May away from him but he pulls his arm away and she tucks into his side even more.

"Nope it's okay I got her......I got baby girl your okay....I love you so much and will protect you with my whole life." He said giving her a quick kiss before giving Chris to Eddie and moving May to a more comfortable position to be held. I couldn't help but feel the urge to cry. It was so sweet, he would do anything for the girl who is not even related to.

"Oh kid you have grown up so much, and you take such great care of her." I said giving him a quick side hug before he sat down. We all sat down at the table and dug in. We started talking about random things. May was still stuck to Bucks side and didn't cry once. We are all pretty certain that if we tried to take her away she would start crying. Buck was feeding her a bottle while also trying to eat.

"Hey dad do you think it would be okay with you and Athena if I take May out with me today?" Buck asked. I wanted to say yes but idk what he was talking about about we had a shift.

"Buck we have a shift at noon." I said. I could see the sadness in his eyes.

"Okay um I'll be right back." Buck said excusing himself from the table, walking into his room. Next thing I know my phone was ringing, it was Buck.

"Buck what are you doing?" I asked

"Hey Cap I was wondering if I could have the day off, my sister kinda won't let me put her down and I have errands to run anyway?" Buck asked. I could tell that he was trying not to laugh, but at the same time was very serious. The more I think the more I realize he just called May his sister.

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