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The next morning,  Jakto wakes up and sees Zuko outside the tent.

"Good morning Zuko."

"Good morning Jatko. Did you sleep well."

"Yeah, I did. So, the group is still deciding what our next move should be. We have some guys who are still banged up when the Fire Nation attacked, so we're limited in our options. Some are deciding if we should get moving to find more food, while others are still wandering if that's such a good idea considering the shape we're all still in. What do you think we should do?"

Zuko considers his question thoughtfully, assessing their condition with a healer's eye.

"Moving too soon risks further injury if attacked again. But staying puts also means losing valuable time to recuperate strength."

He strokes his chin deliberating, then nods. "Ok, here's my plan. We send a small group foraging nearby while the others rest. You and I will lead them and use all my skills to ensure their safety. Then we will have supplies to aid recovery before embarking on any long journeys."

Turning to Jakto with a confident smile, he adds, "Molana is a gifted healers. With rest and her care, these men should regain full strength in no time. Then we will be better prepared for whatever may come. It'll be an honor to fight by your side."

With that, the two friends turn and begin readying supplies for their quest. Zuko and Jakto selects only willing volunteers familiar with these woods, instructing them discreetly on stealth tactics.

Soon they depart with care and caution. Zuko takes point, signaling silently with careful hand gestures developed from years of tracking. He moves with an easy, predatory grace, senses attuned for any threats. Jakto's combined skills will serve them well. As they climb gracefully throughout the trees, Jakto spots a small militia of Fire Nation soldiers. He carefully examines their actions. Then they bow to a young girl with beautiful and elegant black hair. She has two small pigtails while the front of her hair lays downward in front of her shoulders. As beautiful as she is, she couldn't be any more disinterested with her surroundings. She dismisses the soldiers with a hand gesture and walks away.

"That girl must be their leader. We take her hostage, then the soldiers should give up their salvages. Zuko, get half the team in position. You drop down and surround the girl. My team and I will take down the soldiers and line them up for questioning. Zuko? Zuko, do you hear me?"

Zuko says nothing but stares at the girl with the most shocked face anyone could ever have. "Zuko pay attention." Jakto snaps. "Are you ready for the plan?" "I...I know that girl." Zuko says flatly. "That's, that's Mai, my old girlfriend."

Zuko's eyes remain locked on Mai's retreating form, his expression stunned. When Jakto snaps him back to focus, his breathing grows ragged.

He peers down at her again, torn. "If we attack, she could get hurt. But I cannot let her troops harm your people either." Steeling himself with a deep breath, Zuko meets Jakto's eyes solemnly. "Let me try talking to her first, before any fighting starts. Mai is no fool - she may listen to reason. And..." He swallows hard. "Please, allow me this chance. For old times' sake." Zuko's loyalty now lies with Jakto; but once, this girl had meant the world to him. He has to try.

"Fine. But be quick. I'm giving you three minutes. After that, we're launching the plan with or without you." "Thank you Jatko."

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