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The next morning arises. Zuko begins teaching the Avatar Firebending. "I know you're nervous, but remember, firebending in of itself is not something to fear. But it must be shown respect at all times." The young Air Nomad lets out a sigh of relief. "Okay. Don't fear it but respect it. "Good. Now show me what you got. Any amount of fire you can make." Aang heavily breathes but only manages to let out a tiny speck of smoke "Maybe I need a little more instruction. Perhaps a demonstration." Aang humbly asks. "Good idea. You might wanna take a couple steps back. Zuko breathes in. He grunts out loud but only manages to let out the tiniest bit of fire. Aang claps. "I...I don't understand. How could my firebending be that weak? Yesterday, I smoked that assassin, but now this? It doesn't make sense!"

Over and over again, Zuko tries and fails. Aang tries to give him encouragement, but it did little to enthuse the Fire Prince. It has become clear that Zuko has lost his fire. Just then, Toph shows up gliding on rocks. "What are you two dunderheads up to?" "Nothing really. Zuko's kinda stinking it up with the firebending." "I still don't get it. What am I doing wrong?" "Maybe you're just not good enough?" Katara says insensitively. "Katara, now's not a good time." Aang suggests. "No, now's the perfect time. We trusted you with teaching Aang firebending, and now you're telling me you can't firebend yourself? Wow, you really are pathetic." "Hey! Put a cork in it Sugar Queen!" Toph grumbles at Katara. "Oh so you're taking his side now huh?" "News flash Katara! We're all on the same side! Stop being such a tool and actually be useful for once! Or are you too scared we're gonna need Zuie over here more in the group than you?!" Katara is taken back by this. "Toph, stop!" Aang barks. "How dare you say that to me!?" The three friends begin incessantly arguing with each other. Zuko tries to play the role of facilitator, but his pleas for a peaceful settlement fall on deaf ears.

"ENOUGH!!" Molana shouts at everyone. This is the first time she has ever raised her voice with such anger and frustration. "This bickering solves nothing! Can't you guys get along for five minutes? My people's lives depends on our full cooperation with each other! Please, I beg you - put aside these grievances. There is too much at stake to let pride tear apart what we're trying to build here." Her pleading gaze seeks understanding. For only as one can old wrongs be righted.

"Momma Bear over here is right." Toph suggests. "We've gotta stop arguing." "Agreed." Aang says. "Of course." Zuko adds. "I'd rather be bloodbended than agree with you!" Katara snaps at Zuko and walks away. Zuko looks on hurt by those words. "Hey don't worry about her, Zuko." Toph calms the Prince. "She's just in one of her moods. Y'know, what all girls like that do." "Thanks Toph. I appreciate it. Let's just figure out why I can't firebend anymore. I think it may have something to do with that I changed sides?" Zuko theorizes. "Uhmmm... you're kinda reaching with that one sparky." Toph says. "Actually, I don't think he is." Says Aang. "You're firebending use to come from anger, so now you don't have enough rage to fuel it anymore." "Even if that were true, I don't wanna rely on anger anymore." "I guess you're gonna have to learn to draw your firebending from a different source." Toph suggests. "You need to go back to whatever the original source of firebending is." "I think I get what you're saying. What was it like for earthbending?" Zuko asks.

Toph settles herself comfortably, launching into her explanation. "For us earthbenders, our bending comes from the badger moles - the original teachers of our art. See, badger moles are totally blind, like me. But they don't see with their eyes, they see with their earthbending. By tapping into the vibrations of the ground, they can sense everything around them." She raps her knuckles against the stone floor, feeling the echoes with her bare feet. "That's how we learn to 'see' - by feeling the earth all around. It's not just about moving chunks of rock. True bending comes from understanding the essence of whatever you're bending. For earth, it's the essence of solidity and endurance. Fire is different, but you need to find what fire means at its core. Is it passion? Energy? Change? Think about the original firebenders - who taught the first ones of your nation? What was fire to them?"

"The original firebenders were the dragons. But that's too bad, because they all went extinct." "That can't be right. There were plenty when I was a kid. And Avatar Roku had a dragon." Aang suggests. "Unfortunately they're all gone now... But, maybe there's another way. The first people to learn from the Dragons were the Ancient Sun Warriors. The Fire Sages believe they went into hiding shortly after the war started. But their old civilization exists somewhere past the Western Air Temple. Maybe if you and I do some peaking around, we can learn something from the ruins." "That's a great idea. It's just like the monks used to tell me. 'Sometimes, the shadows of the past can be felt by the present.'" "Then that's what you two nerds need to get steppin' to." Toph says. "I...I can't. I promised Molana's brother and her tribe that I would bring the Avatar and his friends to aid them in the battle against my sister down in the forest." "Well then, it looks like you have a choice to make twinkle toes." Toph says. "What's it gonna be? Learn firebending, or help Molana's family?"

A heavy silence falls as Aang considers the choice before him. Both paths offer opportunity to uphold his duty - but only one can be taken. He turns to Zuko with a determined yet regretful look. " Thanks for wanting to teach me Zuko. But an Avatar's first duty is to help bring balance - and Molana's people need my help. I cannot in good conscience abandon them to Azula's fire when my powers can help them."

He meets Toph's sightless eyes with calm. "Please, go to the Sun Warriors' ruins without me. Learn all you can to continue our work another day."  "You don't gotta worry about me, baldy. I can take care of myself." Toph scoffs at Aang's overabundance of  worry. "Besides, I won't be going alone, I'm going with Zuko!" She clings to his arm, causing the Fire Prince to blush. Everyone looks on in confusion. "What? Can't a girl be excited about visiting some old ruins?" "I...uh... I guess going with you would be cool. But, Molana, I need to be there when we fight Azula. I can't let you guys down. If anything happens to you... I..." Molana cuts him off. "Zuko, it's okay. Go with Toph. Learn the original source of firebending. When you return, you can teach the Avatar all you know." "But...." Zuko fights back tears "What about you? What about Jakto? And Anwanna and Bol? I don't wanna lose them!" Molana shushes him and cups her hand gently over his mouth. "Zuko, stop worrying. The whole point of coming to this temple was to gain the Avatar's aid for the fight Azula. We have drastically increased my people's chances of survival because of your courage. You've overcome much to find your true way, but there's much for you to learn. Go with Toph to the Sun Warrior's Temple, understand the true meaning of fire. And when you return, balance will be restored to this world." Zuko smiles sheepishly at Molana's soothing words. She then kisses him on the cheek. Aang's jaw drops. "If I could actually see what's happening, I'd be shocked too." 

 Cut to Toph in Zuko's war balloon with the rest of the Gaang on Appa. Zuko and Aang stand at the center. They now respectfully. "Good luck Sifu Hotman." "Please don't call me that. But, good luck to you too. My sister is not to be underestimated. She'll have a plan for you guys. She always does." "Yeah, like convincing you to stab your uncle in the back and helping her shoot Aang and conquer Ba Sing Se!" Katara shouts as Zuko looks down hurt by her comments again."Katara, shut up." Sokka says. "Just ignore her Prince of the Jerks! She's just mad cause you're spending more time with her...BOYFRIEND!!!!!!" Everyone looks on shocked. "What? We've all seen the way ya look at Aang." "I hate you." Katara says bitterly.

Zuko walks away, avoiding any more confrontation, and joins Toph in his war balloon. And with a roar and a whoosh, balloon and bison lift skyward in separate directions, flying towards destinies still to be discovered. The future remains unwritten.

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