Finale (Part 1)

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Author's Note: Hey everyone. I hope you're enjoying the story. Just a few announcements. For the Sozin's Comet finale, I have decided to split it up into four parts, like the TV Show. All four parts will be longer than the previous chapters. Because of this, I have decided to exclude all scenes with Aang talking to his past lives as well as the Lion Turtle, and the scenes showing Azula's slow descension into madness. With that being said, enjoy!!!

The next morning, everyone enjoys a nice, sunny day in Ozai's beach house. Aang practices firebending punches. Zuko watches him with his arms crossed. "More ferocious!" Zuko commands. "Imagine striking through your opponent's heart!" Aang growls with anger. "I'm trying!" "Now let me hear you roar like a tigerdillo!" Aang gives a light roar as fire bursts come out of his hands and mouth; cuts to a front scene of his embarrassed grin. "That sounded pathetic! I said roar!" Aang roars even louder, as three bursts of fire come out of his hands and mouth. Momo runs and hides behind Zuko's leg in fear. Zuko nods approvingly. "Who wants a nice cool glass of watermelon juice?"Katara asks "Ooh, ooh! Me, me, me!" Aang brightens up upon hearing this and runs to get a delicious drink. But Zuko grabs him and lifts him up by his robe. "Hey! Your lesson's not over yet! Get back here!" "Come on, Zuko. Just take a break. What's the big deal?" Suki asks "Fine." Zuko lets go as Aang dashes over to sip on the juice. "If you all wanna lounge around like a couple of snail-sloths all day, then go ahead!" Zuko storms off unamused.

"Maybe Zuko's right. Sitting around the house has made us pretty lazy. But I know just the thing to change all that." The cheerful Water Tribe boy puts down his drink, stands up, and rips off his robe, revealing a bathing suit. "BEACH PARTY!" The sounds of splashing and laughter drifted up from the shore, carrying on the breeze as Zuko stormed away from the house. His scowl slightly faded away as Jakto and Molana walk up to him. "Alright Zu, what's eatin' ya this time?" Jakto asked, hands shoved lazy in his pockets. Molana peered at him with her usual keen concern. "Is it the others enjoying the beach? Surely a break won't hurt their training." Zuko whirled with a snarl. "That's just it - they should be training, not frolicking like turtle seals! Sozin's Comet arrives in three days, in case their pea brains forgot." "And you busting a blood vessel over them taking a break is gonna help?" Jakto raised a brow. "Face it buddy, they needed a break. Can't learn firebending on an empty stomach or tired muscles." Molana nodded agreeingly. "Wisdom in balance, as always. A little fun builds morale too." Her calming tone only riled Zuko further. "We don't have time for 'fun' - not with my maniac of a sister and demented father poised to destroy the world!"

Jakto and Molana shared a look, and then look back at their friend. "Okay, Zuko. What's really bothering you? Why are you REALLY so worked up over this?" Jakto asks worried. Zuko lets out a surrendered exhale. "I'll tell you the truth. But first, I gotta knock some sense into our Avatar down there." Zuko runs off and peers over a cliff, starting down Aang making an Appa like-sand sculpture. Without hesitation, Zuko blasts the sculpture the away. Aang hides behind a rock. "What are you doing?!" Aang cried, confusion and fear writ clear even from afar. "Teaching you a lesson!" Zuko shouted back, igniting and launching down the slope in hot pursuit. Sand kicked up behind scrambling feet as the chase ensued along the beach. "Uhhh.... Zuko! This isn't really a good idea!" Jakto says concerned. "Get outta my way guys!" Zuko barks at the waterbending siblings. Zuko chases Aang over the rooftop, fire blasts raining down on the young Avatar repeatedly. Aang was no less vocal in his fright. "Take it easy, will ya? I'm trying my best to learn!" He narrowly rolled past another strike, the tile singeing behind him. A growl rumbled in Zuko's throat as frustration mounted at Aang's avoidance. "Learn this - the Fire Lord won't hold back out of kindness!" he shouted, raining blows down with doubled ferocity. Still the airbender evaded, relying too much on defense and footwork alone to face the coming storm. "I know, but you're not Ozai! Can't we just talk?!" "No more talk! You must fight - now show me what you can do!" Zuko roared, unleashing a swift barrage.

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