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The group returns to camp. Jakto kicks equipment over in frustration. "(Growls) That sniveling obedient little wretch!!! How could she betray us like that!? Betray you like that!?" Zuko sits down, knees curled up in a fetal position. "I'm so sorry Jakto. "Sorry!? You're sorry!? You're sorry that your girlfriend is a coward and too afraid to do the right thing!? I swear, the next time I see her and your sister, I'm gonna..."

"Jatko Stop!" Molana shouts at her older brother. Zuko's hands curl into fists, nails biting his palms as he struggles to contain a raging storm within. Jakto's tirade only deepens the wound, reopening old hurts. But when Molana calls her brother to account, Zuko finds his voice. He stands slowly to face them. "Mai's choice was her own." Turning to Molana and the injured men, Zuko bows respectfully. "Thank you all for accepting me, despite my past. I swear to you - the next time we meet my sister and her forces, they will regret turning their backs on mercy and honor." "Fine. But we're not safe here." Jakto adds begrudgingly. "Because of Mai's actions, the forest is no longer safe. Azula and her men will have already claimed this forest as their own before we even get the chance to lick our wounds. We need a new campsite." "Where?" Zuko asks. "The Western Air Temple." "Jatko, that's not a good idea. The temple is high up in the rocky mountains and about 10 miles from our campsite. We'll never make it in time with children and wounded by our side." Molana says. "No, we can't." Zuko says. "But I know someone who can." "Who?" Zuko points up at the sky to see a giant flying sky bison. Sky Bison went extinct a hundred years ago when Fire Lord Sozin wiped them out along with the Air Nomads. But this was no ordinary bison, it belonged to the one person who is our only hope of reclaiming the forest from Azula's rampage, The Avatar, and his friends. "Well, that's gonna be an awkward conversation." Jatko says.

"The Avatar!" Anwanna says excitedly. "I wanna meet the Avatar!" "Just a minute Annie." "They're our only hope. I just don't know if they're gonna be so pleased to see you." " We need their help to take down Azula. But I'm gonna need a mediator to help soothe things over." Zuko says.
"I'll go." Says Molana. "Zuko needs help to persuade the Avatar to join us. I'll go with him." "You sure sis?" "I can do this, Jatko." Jakto looks into his sister's eyes. It roared with hunger and determination to recruit the Avatar and his team to Zuko's side so that we can enact vengeance on Azula. "Okay sis. I trust you. Zuko, you gonna take care of her while you two convince the Avatar?"

"Of course. Your sister and I will take my War Balloon and travel to the Air Temple to meet the Avatar's team. You and your men should head deeper North into the forest, away from Azula's control.* "You've got it. Good luck Zuko, you're gonna need it." Molana hugs her big brother goodbye. She hugs her little cousins as well. Jatko and Molana, only 20 and 18 years old, have become the surrogate parents for these children. They never truly remembered their mother and father's faces when they were taken away from them by the Fire Nation's cruelty. Anwanna and Bol then hug Zuko goodbye as well. He had become their guardian, their angel that will protect them when Jatko and Molana could not.

"We're gonna be okay guys. I promise. And I promise, you will get to meet the Avatar. Molana promises the children. Zuko and Molana head over to the Fire Prince's balloon. They are about to take off, but Zuko offers some final wisdom for Jatko, the kids, and the scavengers.

In a clear, carrying voice he declares: "Today has been a bitter lesson. But we did not come this far only to be stopped!" His golden gaze sweeps across each faces, young and worn alike, ensuring his words reach every heart. "We go now to seek powerful allies. But remember - our true strength comes from each other. As long as we stand together, no fire or fear can conquer us!" With that, Zuko turns and assists Molana into the war balloon's basket. He casts off, taking to the skies with a parting wave. The prince's heart remains heavy with old wounds. But a new purpose has set his soul aflame - to see his old enemies transformed into the friends the world now needs, and to help the oppressed find justice once more. The scavengers cheer them on as the balloon lifts off into the air. Zuko and Molana are seen flying off. Molana has a worried look on her face.
"You okay Molana?" "I'm fine. It's just that... I'm worried about meeting the Avatar. What if he judges me for allying myself with you?" Zuko nods slowly, his good eye downcast. "I cannot fault the Avatar for any judgment against me. My past actions were...dishonorable, to say the least." With a small, sad smile, Zuko meets her eyes openly. "All any of us can do is be truthful about who we are today, and strive to right old wrongs through righteous deeds. That is the only path to forgiveness - though the end may not be what we wish. But you, Molana - your heart has always beaten for your people. The Avatar will see that, as I have. And together maybe we can show him hope doesn't need to come at the cost of former enemies, but through their transformation instead."

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