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Zuko drifted off into another unpleasant sleep. There he found himself facing that sneering monster that haunted his every dream. "Poor Zuko," Ozai mocked, circling like a serpent waiting to strike. "banished, friendless, weak. What a delicate soul you have, unbefitting for a firebender. "I've changed." Zuko asserted, though fear and doubt gripped his heart. How he longed to break free of this cycle of defeat, this ghost that refused to release its hold! Ozai's laughter was a jagged blade. "Change? You are what you always were - a failure, unworthy of your birthright." His hands ignited, flames casting their hellish glow upon his twisted smile. "No!" Zuko cried, raising his fists on instinct. But the sparks came feeble, smoke where infernos should be. As Ozai flew at him, he could only cower before the onslaught. Searing pain exploded across Zuko's scarred cheek as fire seared anew. He screamed and scrambled back across the sands, grasping his ruined face. Through the vale of tears another face swirled into view - Aang, Katara, all watching with pity and disgust in their gaze. "Pathetic creature," Ozai's voice whispered in his ear. "You do not belong with heroes. Alone is where you shall remain..."

Zuko bolts back up to consciousness. Relief is not what overwhelmed him. It was smoldering rage that fueled his every step. Moonlight gleamed upon his scarred cheek, a cold mockery renewing the phantom's barbs. Snarling, he rose and stalked the room like a caged tigerdillo, fists clenching fits of orange flame. With a wordless shout, Zuko unleashed his fury upon the wall as wood and plaster crumbled before the explosive fireball. Zuko began pacing again, conflicted with no signs of an answer in sight. He had changed - proven himself an ally, a prince no longer. Then why did the nightmares not reflect it? Why was he still that same weak, frightened boy cowering before his father's wrath? Exhausted, he slumped to the floor, lost as to how to reclaim his own mind and find long dreamed-of peace. The dawn seemed a distant, fading hope. 

The group gathered outside Zuko's room, sharing worried looks as faint sounds of anger and distress echoed within. "I'm worried for him," Katara said softly. "The sleepless nights are getting worse - he can't go on like this." "They gotta stop, but how?" Sokka wondered, scratching his chin. "It's not like we can fight his insomnia for him." Aang springs up with the utmost excitement. "Maybe if we can replace the sad memories with happier ones, his mind will focus on those instead." Molana's eyes lit up. "A festival! With games, music, dancing - it's been so long since we celebrated what we have, not what was lost." Toph punched her palm decisively. "I say we throw the biggest shindig this side of the Fire Nation. Twinkletoes is right - we overload Sparky with fun until those gloomy thoughts clear out!" Suki nodded, already planning. "I'll gather supplies. Aang, find the perfect spot. The rest of you - keep Zuko busy and distracted until tonight!" As one, the group dispersed with renewed hope.

Zuko entered his room, expecting yet more turmoil after the morning's rage unleashed. Yet to his surprise, the hole he infuriatingly punched last night was completely fixed. Confused, he sat upon his bed - only to find cool, crisp linen replaced the sweat-soaked mess. For the first time that day, tension uncoiled from his shoulders. What strangeness was this? Before he could ponder further, Sokka burst in, panic writ clear on his features. "Zuko, it's Azula! She's back, and she's attacking the house!" "What!?" In an instant Zuko was on his feet, racing to meet this doom head-on as ever before. But the scene beyond gave him pause, all thoughts scourged away on swirling mists of confusion. Lights glittered among trees heavy with lanterns, music and laughter drifting on warm breezes. Stalls of food and games dotted the shining lawns, and in the midst of it all stood Sokka and the others, grinning wide. "Surprise!" they cried in joyful unison. Zuko stared, understanding slowly dawning. This...this was for him? All the day's strangeness joined together, and suddenly the tightness in his chest dissolved on the realization of their care. A smile broke across his face, the first true one in longer than he could remember. No darkness could withstand such light and love his friends had shown him, not tonight.

The night wore on in a whirl of light and laughter. Toph and Sokka faced off in an eating contest, cracking jokes through doughy mouthsful. Nearby, Aang and Katara danced to upbeat tunes, stars dancing in their eyes as sure as their feet. Zuko stood aside at first, watching with a smile as his friends banished the shadows of the day. But Suki soon pulled him into the fray. "Come on, you're missing the fun!" Her earnest cheer was infectious. Zuko found himself joining a race around the yard, firebending bursts to speed his steps. Hot on his heels, Aang zoomed up to him on an air scooter. "No bending allowed, that's cheating!" "Hey, I'm exercising my royal privileges!" Zuko shot back with a rare easy grin. The games and contests wove their magic, leaving no moments for darker thoughts to take root. As the moon rose high, Molana coaxed them all into a dance, fingers plucking melodies sweet as sunrise. There with friends around the fire's light and warmth, Zuko felt the day's ghosts finally relinquish their hold. Peace sank deep into his bones, weaving through cracks left by nightmares with the threads of love. At last he was home. And oh, how good it felt to stay.

The festivities faded as weary friends stumbled off to rest, bellies full and hearts light. In their shared room, Jakto and Molana were already asleep. But even through the haze of contentment, familiar shadows crept into Zuko's mind once more. This time, a more monstrous nightmare  took over his head- He found himself before his father amid colosseums of roaring flame, as ever to face doom's judgment alone. But as Ozai sneered, a great gust disrupted the arena. "Leave him alone, Fire Lord!" Aang's voice rang with authority, his eyes aglow with Avatar light. Spinning his glider, he blew the inferno back with defiant grace. Ozai howled in fury but was no match for Aang's mastery. "You won't torment these lands anymore," the Avatar declared, blasting the Fire Lord into dust with a powerful air attack. The nightmare dissolved around Zuko, leaving only a warm meadow under gentle stars. "It's okay, Zuko" Aang spoke kindly. "Ending his madness is the Avatar's duty. Yours lies elsewhere, in building the peace he denied the world." A smile curled Zuko's lips even in slumber. For the first time, rest came without trace of Ozai's malice - replaced by surety in himself and faith in the friend who understood its meaning all along. No more would nightmares haunt him. Dawn would bring a new day, and with it possibilities unbound. At long last, he was free.

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