Finale (Part 3)

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Sozin's Comet can be seen skimming the atmosphere of the Earth. Zuko Katara and Molana are flying on Appa briskly through the orange colored sky. The two water tribe girls turns to Zuko upon seeing his worried and somewhat anxious expression. "Zuko, are you okay?" Molana asks. "If it's about Azula, then you don't have to worry. We can take her down." Katara assures him. "I'm not worried about her. I'm worried about Aang. What if he doesn't have the guts to take out my father? What if he loses?" Zuko asks worriedly. "Aang is the Avatar for a reason. He has faced challenges no one thought possible before," Katara reassured him. "His spirit is too strong to give up now." But Zuko's scarred brow furrowed deeper. "But what if my father's power has become too great, even for Aang? I always knew this day would come - but if he fails..." Gently, Molana said "Doubt will not change the outcome. All we can do is have faith in Aang...and be ready to help however we can. The world is watching." Her words calmed the prince, if only slightly. They flew on in grim silence, following their destinies towards a battle that would decide the fate of the world.

The eel hound, led by Sokka, followed by Jakto and Suki, is swimming through the water. "It's weird to say, but the comet actually looks beautiful." Suki says "Yeah. But that freak Ozai is gonna use it to destroy the Earth Kingdom." Jakto reminds her. The eel hound arrives at the shore of the airship base. The trio climbs their way up a cliff side only to discover the fleet has just taken off. "We're too late! The fleet has already taken off! Jakto, we need you in the ocean, try and slow down the ships and have their fire drawn to you." "You've got it! But how are you two gonna get up there?" "Uh...I think if we uh..." "Trick question. Lemme help you." "How are you gonna..." Jakto cuts him off as he summons a giant wave to launch him and Suki up high into the air near the closes air ship. After a swift ascension, they fall onto a nearby ship and make their way across the giant vessel. The camera zooms out and focuses on the lead airship, Fire Lord Ozai standing on the very land. Jakto enters the ocean, he swims swiftly, and re-emerges in a water tornado. "Good luck guys." Jakto says quietly to himself.  Meanwhile, back on the airship, Sokka and Suki make their way to the main control room. Sokka sneaks by the door. He pulls a device. "Me and the mechanic whipped this thing up the day before the invasion." "What does it do?" "Let's just say, these guys are about to take a little nap." Sokka throws the device, as it emits gas, and knocks out everyone in the room. The gas fazes away. "Nice job Sokka." Suki kisses him on the cheek and takes the wheel of the airship. Sokka blushes with love and goofily smiles.

"What are we going to do about the rest of the crew?" "Take us down closer to the water. I've got an idea." Sokka grabs a speaker that is heard throughout the cabin. "Attention, crew, this is your captain speaking. Everyone please report to the bomb bay immediately for hot cakes and sweet cream. We have a very special birthday to celebrate."  Suki begins to steer the ship close to the water. In the bomb bay, the crew members are standing around, waiting. A communicator and an engineer have a friendly conversation. "Hey I'm Qin Lee. I work up in communications." "Oh, hi. I work down in the engine room. That's probably why we never met before. Big airship, you know?" "Yep. So you know whose birthday it is?" A crew member approaches Qin Lee and the engineer. "I can't believe the captain remembered my birthday! He really does care!" * The bomb bay doors open and all the crew members fall into the ocean. The crew members swim up for air.* "Happy birthday." The engineer says friendly while in the ocean. Cut back to Sokka and Suki in the ship. "Fire Lord Ozai, here we come." Sokka says determined.

In Ba Sing Se, Fire Nation tanks roll toward the main gate. At the main gate, the tanks line up. The flag of the Order of the White Lotus flies in the wind with honor. Jeong Jeong, Bumi, Pakku, and Piandao stand side by side. "Ba Sing Se, the Order of the White Lotus is here." Bumi says. "Here to set you free." Pakku adds. "Only once in a hundred years can a firebender experience this kind of power." Iroh says with Toph by his side, wearing the white robes of the Order themselves. Iroh inhales deeply, summoning the power of Sozin's Comet. Iroh continues to breathe in, summoning a wall of fire between the Order. With a roar befitting the Dragon of the West, Iroh unleashes the wall into a huge fireball that blasts through the walls of Ba Sing Se. Bumi and Toph use their earthbending to move the platform their standing on forward. The Order leaps into action.

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