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That night, all of the group was joined together, deciding what to do next. Zuko's proposal to find the man that took Katara and Sokka's mom is a righteous one, but Katara's words towards Aang have a cause a rift within the team. They needed a solution. "Okay guys. Aang and Katara will join us in a little bit. Right now, we need to discuss what our next move is." Sokka adds. "I wanna find the man who took my mom from me, more than anything, but with Katara's actions today, I don't trust her to make the right decisions. So, I'm assembling a small team to come with me on Appa to find the man and bring him back here, so that Katara can face him and get the answers she deserves to hear. But she is NOT coming with us on this journey. I need two volunteers. Who's with me?" Zuko steps forward immediately. "I will go." Suki rested a hand on Sokka's shoulder. "You'll need someone to watch your back. Count me in too." Her steady gaze left no room for argument. Sokka nodded, grateful. "Then it's settled. We'll track down the Southern Raiders' last known location and get the information we need. Zuko, your Fire Nation resources will come in handy I'm sure." Zuko gives a solemn bow. "They are at your service. Finding this man is the least I can do, after all the damage my people caused."

"Well, what the heck do I get to do?" Toph asks. "You know what to do." Zuko adds. "Get Aang started on his firebending training while you're away and mold that twinkly toed pushover into a mean lean Fire Lord butt kicking machine?" She asks enthusiastically. "Took the words right out of my mouth." "We leave at dawn." Sokka instructs as the group disperses. Aang is staring up at the beautiful moon. Suddenly, Katara peacefully approaches. Aang is still taken back at her appearance. "Aang.... do you mind if I talk to you?" Katara says choked up. ".......Talk." Aang says obviously still hostile. Katara's eyes glistened with unshed tears as she sat beside me. I said nothing, still processing the pain of her earlier words. "Aang, I'm so sorry. What I said was unforgivable. I never should have taken my anger out on you." A gust of wind ruffled the grass, cold and silent. Katara took a shaky breath. "When I lost my mother...a part of me died inside. All these years I've felt broken. But being with you all has helped mend me, except for that one wound." She takes Aang's hand, desperation ringing clear. "Please know that you, more than anyone, bring me light when I fall into darkness. I lashed out because I was afraid - of facing my pain, and losing your faith in me too." Something in her tone, raw and vulnerable, softened the ice around Aang's heart. Their fingers intertwined as he met her watery gaze, and saw the good, nurturing soul he knew still resided there. Silently, he offered the gift of forgiveness, and a new beginning. Katara's sob of relief them us both from chains of the past. Together, in understanding, they watched the moon rise over beginnings yet to come.

The dark morning is on the horizon. The sun had yet to rise. Zuko, Suki, and Sokka load up on Appa. Everyone stands there to wave them goodbye. Climbing onto Appa's back, Zuko scanned the faces of those they left behind - the newly strengthened bonds of this strange family. Katara met his gaze, eyes gleaming with worry, hope, and not a little remorse. He offered her a small nod, willing all the reassurance  he could into that simple gesture. Then Sokka called the command, and with a groan Appa rose skyward. "Alright Twinkle Toes, you know what else this means?" "Uh... you're finally gonna take a bath?" "No! It's time to begin your fire bending training! Now, give me 30 Hot Squats and 50 Sets of Fire Fists or I'm gonna give you a wedgie the size of the Earth Kingdom!!! Now move!!!" "AHH! Yes Sifu Toph!!!" The three warriors continue their journey on Appa. "We need to find the Fire Navy Communication Tower. All the Navy's movements are coordinated by messenger hawk. And every tower has to be up to date on where everyone is deployed." The communication tower is seen situated on an island in the middle of the ocean. "So once we find the communication tower, we bust in and take the information we need." Sokka adds. "Not exactly. We need to be stealthy and make sure no one spots us, otherwise they'll want the Southern Raiders long before we get to them." Zuko continues with his intel. "Stealth huh? I can help with that." Suki confidently adds. 

Appa growled as the island tower came into view below - a hive of activity even in the dead of night. Perfect conditions for those trained to blend in plain sight. "Set us down a safe distance off," Suki instructed Sokka. "I'll work my way around back under cover of darkness." With breathtaking grace, she leaped from Appa's back and melted into the shadows. Suki slipped past patrols on silent feet. Whatever information she uncovered would guide their pursuit of one man - and hopefully, the beginnings of peace.  Suki runs out from behind a mass of large rocks. Suki leaps into the air and lands on the wall of the tower. She climbs without being detected by the guards standing post. She approaches a corridor of the tower where she crouched in a corner, watching two guards walk out a door. After the guards have passed, she stealthily runs through the open door. The scene cuts to a male guard sitting at a writing desk. Suki sneaks in through the window, and silently takes him down. She grabs the maps pertaining to the Southern Raiders. She flips in and out of the building and lands back on Appa. "Here." She shows Zuko. "The Southern Raiders are stationed on Whaletail Island." "YOU'RE SOOOOO AWESOME." Sokka adds dreamily and romantically. "I know sweet boy." She kisses him on the cheek. Sokka's face blushes and he falls over, overcome with love. "Nice going Suki. Appa, Yip Yip." Zuko commands.

Appa takes flight as Zuko can't help but chuckle at Sokka's infatuation with Suki. All their spirits have been uplifted. If only the same could be said for Katara. She experiences the painful memory of the Southern Raiders' attack. "I'm going to find mom." Young Katara says to Young Sokka. She runs nervously past her brother. Several Water Tribe warriors are shown running about in a frantic motion. The camera focuses on Katara again, who arrives at their igloo and pushes back the curtain. "Mom!" She runs in to discover her mother seated on the floor, a man towering over her. "Just let her go and I'll give you the information you want." The mom says to the man. "You heard your mother! Get out of here!" "Mom, I'm scared." "Go find your dad sweaty. I'll handle this."  Katara gazes into the menacing eyes of the Southern Raiders commander and runs off. The scene changes to her sprinting across the snowy battlefield. Katara arrives to where her father is battling Fire Nation Soldiers. "Dad, Dad! Please, I think Mom's in trouble! There's a man in our house!" "Kya!" The two run to their house frantically. Hakoda pushes back the blue drapes before the scene fades to white back to present day. Present Day Katara remembers that painful day, sitting on a pier with a pond. Her tears flow from her face and make little droplets in the pond. 

Later on in the rising morning, Zuko has taken command of Appa as Suki is asleep on Sokka's shoulder, as he snores loudly as ever on Appa's saddle. Zuko is looking through a telescope. "There! See those flags! It's the Southern Raiders!" They both wake up. "Let's do this." Sokka says determined. Appa flies above the crowds to get cover. Suki leaps off and lands perfectly on the roof of the ship. "So I was like yeah, and then he was just like... AHHHH!" A solider had a conversation with others but Suki flips him over the railing. She uses her martial art skills to knock them all down. More soldiers surround her. Sokka and Zuko come to her aid.

The battle was swift and near-silent. Suki leapt above the soldiers, subduing two with precise jabs before they knew what hit them. Her aerial takedown signaled Sokka and Zuko, who vaulted over the rail with practiced coordination. Flames licked from Zuko's fists as his feet struck the deck, fanning out to disorient the squadron. Sokka weaved through the chaos, boomerang whirring as he struck pressure points and joints. Behind him Suki finished her arching flip, pinning the last man in a joint lock that elicited only a strangled grunt. Within moments the intruders had been subdued, lying in a daze while the Kyoshi warrior scanned for sentries. "Clear," she gestured. Her allies hurried to stash the men in a lifeboat, casting it adrift before any alarm could be raised. Their mission required stealth, and thanks to Suki's skillful lead the element of surprise was maintained. On to extract the information, and hopefully the answers, they sought below decks. The trio their way through the corridors of the ship. One soldier bursts from his cabin, a sword in hand only to be attacked and locked back inside by Zuko. They follow him to a large doorway, where they abruptly halt. "This is it Sokka. Are you ready to face him?"

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