Finale (Part 2)

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"Oh great it's Prince Pouty. What're you doing here?" June asks disinterested "We need your help finding the Avatar." Zuko says firmly "That sounds boring. Hard pass." Zuko slams the table frustrated. "Does the end of the world sound boring!?" But June merely tilted her head, unimpressed by fiery displays. "End of the world, you say? Now there's a job with stakes. Alright pretty boy, you've piqued my interest. What makes you think I can find your Avatar?" "Your shirishu out there is the only living being on the planet that gives us the best chance at finding him." Zuko reminds her. June smirks at the price for stating the obvious.

Outside of the bar, Appa and Lyla growl at each other. Appa licks the shirishu. "Alright. Who's got something with the Avatar's scent?" Katara gives her Aang's staff. Nyla sniffs the staff. She sniffs around looking for the scent. He returns to June and covers his nose. "What does that mean?" "It means your friend's gone." "We know he's gone. That's why we've been tracking him." "No, I mean your friend is GONE gone. He doesn't exist." Dismay washed over the group in a numbing wave. Zuko stepped forward, grasping at sparks of denial. "Impossible. We were all with him just days ago at the island! The trail can't end already." Beside him, Katara placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. "We'll find another way," she swore. "Aang's out there, I know it. We can't give up yet." "Wait. I have another idea. There's only one other person in this world who can help us face the Fire Lord. I'll be right back with a smell sample." Zuko pulls out a dirty, stinky slipper. His uncle's slipper. "Eww! You actually kept that thing in your shirt?!" Jakto exclaims " I think it's kinda sweet." Molana rebuttals as Zuko holds the back of his head bashfully with a slightly curved smile. Nyla sniffs the dirty sandal and picks up Iroh's scent. "Let's do this!" June gets on Nyla and runs off. The group follows the duo on Appa.

June leads the gang to the outer walls of Ba Sing Se. "Wait, why are in Ba Sing Se?" Zuko asks. "Because your creepy uncle's in there, genius. Now I'd love to get in there and help you find him, but you're kinda the reason we can't. See ya." Zuko looks down at the ground ashamed of his past. "Let's just set up camp and get some rest." Zuko instructs his team in a low-tone voice. Eventually, the team gets some rest on Appa's legs and tail. Toph sleeps in her earth tent. Suddenly, she senses someone coming. "Guys wake up!" Suddenly, the team is surrounded by a wall of fire. They look up on the upper walls to see some old faces. Master Pakku, Master Piandao, Jeong Jeong, and King Bumi. The Order of the White Lotus has returned. "Well, look who's here." Bumi laughs and snorts. Katara and Sokka smile happily to see their old friends.

Katara runs over to see her old waterbending teacher. She bows respectfully to him. "Master Pakku! It's so good to see you!" "What do you think you're doing, girl?" he scoffed in typical gruff fashion. Katara's smile faltered, until he dropped all pretense. "Why don't you give your new grandfather a hug?" he said softly. Katara gasped, eyes widening in awe and wonder. Had Gran Gran and Pakku truly reignited the love lost so long ago? Overcome, she launched herself into his waiting arms. He embraced her close and stroked her hair. "It's good to see you, Katara," Pakku murmured. "Your grandmother will be overjoyed to know you're safe. We've missed you terribly, my child." Tears spilled freely now as she clutched him tight. At long last, her family was healing old divides and forging new bonds of kinship. If Pakku and Gran Gran could find their way back to one another, then surely there was hope.

As Katara embraced her newfound grandfather, Sokka scanned the wall for familiar faces. His searching gaze fell upon none other than Master Piandao, the swordmaster who had honed his skills so patiently what felt like ages past. "Master!" Sokka cried, grinning from ear to ear. Piandao returned the smile, eyes twinkling in the firelight. "I see you've kept up with your training, young warrior," the swordsman noted, eyeing Sokka's trusty Space Sword strapped dutifully to his back. "You've grown stronger since I saw you last. I'm proud to call you my student." Warmth swelled within Sokka's chest at the rare praise from his esteemed teacher.

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