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Cut to Toph and Zuko in the War Balloon. "We've been flying for hours, I thought this thing would be a lot faster than this." Toph implies. "Where's that upbeat attitude you had back at the temple?" Zuko asks. "It went away the minute I started flying." "Why? Fear of heights?" "Pfft, I'm not afraid of anything hothead. More like annoyed by flying. I can't sense the vibrations of the earth when I'm thousands of feet up in the air. Duh!" "Well.. I guess it makes sense." Zuko concurs. "Hey look. It's the Temples. We made it." (Ahem) "Oh... right sorry." Zuko and Toph land and begin exploring the ruins.

Zuko peers eagerly across the crumbling spires that emerge from the treetops below. So much history rests in these stones - answers he hopes will help bring light where now there is doubt. Zuko draws the war balloon in to land upon an ancient pavilion overgrown with vines. They exit the balloon and begin exploring the ruins. "Watch out!" Toph yells. She stops him from triggering a trip-wire booby trap with spike traps. "Woah! Thanks. I guess you weren't lying when you can feel the vibrations of the earth." "No, I wasn't. And I normally love lying!" Toph uses her earthbending to cover the spikes with a perfectly flat surface. "Well, I guess people don't lay traps unless they got something worth protecting." The duo is seen traveling up a flight of ancient stairs. "Interesting. There's a mural of a sun warrior learning the source of firebending from the dragon. But, they seem angry with the warrior. "But, I thought the Sun Warriors were friends with the dragons." Toph says.

"So did I," Zuko murmurs, studying the carving intently. "Yet this mural depicts something else - a lesson being taught, but through strife instead of harmony." He runs careful fingers over the grooves, piecing meaning from shapes long undisturbed. "The dragons are challenging this Warrior, pushing him to find resolve through trial by fire, as it were." He forges ahead. But Toph stops him as her suspicions peak. "Zuko...wait. Something happened to the dragons. Something you're not telling me." "My great-grandfather Sozin happened." Zuko says ashamed of his family's past transgressions. "What did he do?" Zuko's eyes darken as history's sins long buried rise to the stone-worn surface once more. "Sozin saw the dragons not as fellow protectors of balance, but threats to his shadowed ambitions. He sent legions to lay waste to the dragons' lairs. Those dragons taught mankind fire's true power and purpose, but they were cut down and hunted for sport. The last dragon was conquered by my uncle." "But, I thought your uncle was a good guy." "He had a complicated past. Family tradition I guess. Let's just keep moving."

The duo comes across a big golden door. Zuko tries opening it but it won't budge."It won't open. I wonder if there's a clue nearby. Maybe some sort of sophisticated method can open these doors and we can...." Toph fake yawns. "Booooring!" Toph summons a diagonal pillar from the ground, which knocks the door down with one fell swoop. "Sometimes... you just gotta work smarter and not harder Zuie." They enter the palace and see a bunch of statues. "It says that this something called the Dancing Dragon." Zuko imitates one of the statues, as he does so, a piece of earth falls downward, implying a clue. "Hey Toph, I think we need to do the Dancing Dragon. I think it'll unlock the answers we're looking for." "What? That's lame. I'd rather break stuff." "Come on! Aang is counting on us. We have to do this." "Ugh, fine!" The two begin imitating the statues until they reach the end with their fists meeting together. Suddenly, a pillar opens in the center of the room. A golden egg is revealed standing on a pillar. "Woah, what is that?" "Why are you asking the blind girl?" "Sorry. Force of habit. It's like some sort of mystical gemstone." Zuko picks it up. "It feels almost alive." Suddenly, Zuko is shot up to the ceiling by a green sticky liquid. "Oh crud! It's another trap!" Toph yells. "I can't pull free! It's like some sort of glue!" Zuko yells. Toph realizes it's up to her. She needs to use her ingenuity and her earthbending to save both of their lives.

Toph grits her teeth, reaching out instinctively with her bending to gauge their predicament. The ooze encasing Zuko feels strange - almost sentient. But no time for mysteries. Her friend's life hangs in the balance. "Try to stay calm, Sparky!" she calls up. "I'll get you down in a sec." Her hands spread in familiar stances, summoning twin pillars from the floor. With care borne of her unique sight, Toph widens the columns' tops into broad platforms just beneath Zuko's struggling form. "Brace yourself!" With a stomp, the platforms punch upward aggressively - hopefully breaking the ooze's hold before Zuko gets dragged too high. She braces, listening intently, ready to catch him. She readies herself, praying her next reckless move pays off before the sun sets on their adventure here.

Toph takes a quick but steady inhale. Using all of her might, she parts open the roof of the catacomb into two separate pieces. She then summons a final massive pillar, summons rock to her arm so it is completely covered in earth, grabs Zuko by the hand using her earth-advanced hand, freeing him from the green ooze, and lets the massive pillar carry bother her and her friend high into the air above the surface. The green ooze explodes out of the cave and spews everywhere. Toph paints and collects herself, but can't help but smirk at a job well done. She wipes the sweat from her forehead. "See? What'd I tell you Zuie! You ain't got nothing to worry about!" "That's great Toph. But can you please stop crushing my arm?" "Oh right. Whoopsies." Toph pulls her friend up to the top of the pillar, and releases the rock from her arm. "Maybe next time don't grab the obvious glowing gem." "Yeah. Duly noted." Zuko replies. "Halt! Thieves!" A voice down below yells. Zuko and Toph look shocked as the Ancient Sun Warriors, once figured to be long gone, surround them. The two friend know they our outnumbered and outclassed by these legendary warriors. They surrender with grace. Cut to the Sun Warriors surrounding the two supposed thieves with weapons and fire surrounded. "For trying to take our Sun Stone, you must be severely punished!" Barks the Head Chief of the Sun Warriors. "Sir please. We did not come here to steal from you." Zuko says. "My friend and I come seeking only knowledge that may help bring peace. For too long has fire been used for conquest by those who forgot its true purpose - as a giver of life and warmth for all people." Zuko meets the Chief's stern gaze with calm conviction. "Imprison or banish us if you wish - but I plead you first consider showing us the honorable way of the dragons. For the Avatar's sake, and all our nations." "You speak as if you know firsthand what happens to the masters! Who are you? And how did you find us!?" The Chief barks. 

"I am called Zuko. Son of Ursa and Fire Lord Ozai." Zuko lifts his gaze now, earnest. "We mean you no harm. We only seek to learn so others don't inherit past mistakes." Beside him, Toph speaks up in turn. "We'll accept any punishment - but my friend's telling the truth. All we wanna do is help end this war, once and for all." "Yeah right. They are obviously thieves. Here to steal Sun Warrior treasure." One man implies. "Save your tongue my friend." The Chief commands. "If you wish to learn the ways of the Sun, you must learn them from the Masters Ran and Shao. When you present yourselves to them, they will examine you. They'll read your hearts, your souls, and your ancestry. If they deem you worthy, they will teach you. If they don't, you will be destroyed on the spot."

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