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The next day arrives. Everyone is enjoying themselves on Ozai's old Ember Island home. Aang is practicing his fire bending. Little by little he is building sparks and flames, but it's not enough. Zuko and Toph look on as unyielding teachers. "Come on Twinkle Toes, put your back into it!" Toph barks. Aang continues, the flames getting a little bigger. "Dig deeper! The essence of fire is to overpower your opponent!" Zuko commands. Aang continues on with his training. As sweat flowed free and muscles cried out, still the Avatar reached deep within. There in spirit's crucible the essence was reborn - no longer to withstand assault, but to overmaster with one blow. With a roar, Aang unleashed an impressive inferno. His two fire teachers nod in approval. 

Zuko offers more guidance and critiques. "Not bad. But your stance is still uncoordinated. You need to allow fire to be an extension of your battle-tested spirit. Not as an isolated source of energy." "But... I don't understand. When I use the other elements, I feel in-tuned with my inner self. But with fire, it feels like I'm being pulled in a bunch of different directions." Aang declares disappointed in his results. Zuko offers more wisdom. "Aang, fire is something that you allow to cleanse your heart. It gives you warmth and peace of mind. Try to resist it, and it'll tear you apart. But if you embrace it..." Zuko perfectly executes a fires blast with unmatched posture and unrivaled determination. Aang looks on in awe. "...It'll make you unstoppable." Resolute, Aang squared once more. Zuko and Toph watch on earnestly as Aang prepares anther fire strike. This time when flame came, it was not an alien thing but growth of his innermost resolve, blooming on the heat of his need to protect. There, fire and spirit blended seamless - one weapon to defeat the tyrants of both without and within. Zuko and Toph smiled. When Ozai unleashed his wrath, Aang would greet it with the purging fires of heroism. Katara watches on, proud as ever. "You guys are doing great. Why don't you take a break?" "YES!" Aang yells with excitement. "Fine by me." Toph chagrins. "The two youngest of the group run off to enjoy themselves. Katara walks up to Zuko. "I just wanted to thank you for being so patient with Aang. I know he acts like he doesn't take anything seriously, but he does care about getting better. "I know. It's just... I've never been a teacher before. How do I get through to him?" Zuko asks confused. 

Katara smiled gently at Zuko's uncertainty. Though a military genius and master firebender, teaching was a new path - and walking unknown roads often led to doubt. "You've gotten through because you understand struggle," she said. "Aang sees in you someone who, like him, has fought a difficult journey to get where he is right now. You inspire him to use fire properly, as  a beacon of light, not an instrument of destruction." She laid a reassuring hand on his arm. "No one is born knowing how to teach. But you listen to Aang, you challenge him, and you lead by example There will be setbacks - but also improvements, because of the respect you two have built. Have faith in that." Zuko smiled, his worry fading beneath her calm faith. "Thank you, Katara. Your support means more than you know." Everyone turns in for the night. Sokka and Suki in one room, Toph outside in her rock tent, Aang and Katara asleep on Appa, Jakto and Molana and Zuko in the other room. "I'm so glad you and Katara are finally getting along." Molana says overjoyed. "I know. It feels good to not have to look over my shoulder every day." "I can understand that feeling pal." Jakto says reassuringly. "Although, I gotta admit, it feels weird being in your dad's old family home." "It is strange being here," Zuko murmured. "All those years I searched for the Avatar, my family crumbled around me. I never thought I'd return as an ally."

He turned to Molana with a wry smile. "When we first met, I was still so angry and lost. I never properly thanked you for showing me kindness, even then." She squeezed his hand in the darkness. "We all walk different roads to redemption. I'm just glad yours led you home at last." Zuko sighed, feeling tension unknot within. Here, surrounded by those who'd weathered life's bitter seasons at his side, even the ghosts of his past seemed distant. No perfect peace had come, but in broken pieces mended by care and understanding, hope was remade. And whatever trials lay ahead, they would face them standing as one. Zuko drifts off and embarks on a rather peculiar dream. In his dream, Zuko found himself walking through the royal gardens of his childhood. Petals drifted on the breeze like memories as he breathed the scent of honeysuckle. "Zuko?" A gentle voice called his name. Turning, he saw his mother Ursa standing amidst the blooms, a smile lighting her eyes. "Mother!" Joy welled in his heart. He ran to embrace her, drinking in the comfort of her presence once more. For this moment, all was right. But her form seemed to waver, the garden growing dim. Zuko looked up to see storm clouds massing in the sky as Ozai's cruel laugh echoed. "Foolish boy. She was never yours to keep." Ursa began to fade. "No - please don't leave me!" Zuko cried, grasping for her hand. But his father's hands closed around her shoulders, pulling her into the shadows. "You are no son of mine," Ozai sneered. "Look at you - begging like a coward for your mother. Pathetic wretch." Lightning split the sky as Zuko shouted in anguish and denial. But when he turned, only his father remained, smile twisting in triumph. "No!" Zuko startled awake, breathing hard as the nightmare release its hold.  He turns to see Jakto and Molana still asleep. Relieved that he did not disturb their slumber, he rolls over on his side, but he struggles to go back to sleep. 

The next morning arises. Zuko wakes up, but his head hurts worse than usual. He feels dizzy and nauseous. He was sweating profusely from his forehead and armpits. He realized that it happened again. Whenever he had nightmares about his family, he would get zero sleep and have horrible side-effects. This happened all too often. It happens on his ship while searching for the Avatar. It happened in Ba Sing Se as a refugee with his uncle, and it's happening again now. Jakto and Molana were already gone and ready for the day. Zuko miserably trots out of bed, slumped over and feeling useless.

"Good morning Sifu Hotman. Ready for another day of training?" Aang asks with sincere enthusiasm. "Yeah, yeah, yeah whatever." Zuko says dismissively. Toph walks up to Zuko. "Hey Zuie. Wanna see my fire and earth attacks?" "Don't care, but thanks anyway." He walks over to the beach, to try and splash water on his face to wake him up, but the water irritated his nagging scar. Zuko pounds the ground in frustration. Then, he gets hit in the head with a volleyball. "Ooooo, sorry Zuko!" Sokka says apologetically as he and Katara are playing a friendly game of beach volleyball against Jakto and Molana, while Suki sunbathes on a towel. "Ya mind spiking it over? Ha ha! Get it? Like spiking a volleyball!" Zuko is not amused. He growls and kicks the ball into the air. He walks away all gloomy and tired. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, WINSTON!!!!!!!!" Sokka yells over-dramatically. Zuko lays back in his sweat-stained bed. A gentle knock is heard at the door, but to Zuko'a headache, it might as well be a cannon. "WHAT DO YOU WANT!?" "It's me Molana? Can I come in?" "Make it quick." Zuko grumbles with no satisfaction. Molana gently opens the door. She sits on the bed and pets Zuko's head.

"Please, leave me alone," he groaned, waving her caring nature away. "I just need sleep, that's all." But she persisted with her maddening care. "We only want to help. What's been bothering you lately, Zuko?" Zuko's temper flares out of control. "As if you could understand! The darkness that haunts me - you'll never know it's like." He rolled over, turning his back in dismissal. "But letting it consume you changes nothing. Your friends are here for you." Friends? More like leeches, draining what little strength he had left with their incessant noise and staring eyes. "Just go away! I don't need you pampering me like I'm a little boy!" The bed creaked as Molana rose to leave. Yet still her sympathy was maintained. "When you're ready to talk, I'll listen without judgment. Healing starts from within, Zuko - we all have to find our own way there." Silence fell as her footsteps receded down the hall, leaving him to the phantoms once more. Zuko clutched his head and screamed, torn between fury and despair's claws with no escape in sight. Alone he continued to linger in the dark.

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