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The Sky Bison could be heard growling. Zuko and Molana hide behind a pillar. They then rush up a flight of stairs. They then wait for the Avatar, with his glider and the Bison to land. 

"Oh, and you're gonna love the all-day echo chamber." The Avatar excitedly says.

"I think that will have to wait." Said by a young Earth Kingdom girl. She points in the direction of Zuko with Molana at his side. Everyone looks on with shock and disgust. "Hello, Zuko here." Molana facepalms herself. The Avatar's team gets ready to fight. 

"Please, hear us out. I come without weapons, as a supplicant seeking your aid." He motions to Molana. "This is Molana of the Southern Water Tribe. She and her people are in grave danger."

The Sky Buson gets by Zuko's side and roars in his face. To everyone surprise, the friendly beast licks Zuko three times A tiny, fury lemur gets by Zuko and hugs his ankle. "Uhhh... have you three met before?" Molana asks Zuko.

"Actually, we kinda did. I freed him from The Dai Li's hidden base underneath Lake Laogai. But hey, if these guys are willing to hear me out, maybe you guys could hear me out as well. How about.. letting us join your group?"  "You want us to do what!?" The angry Earth Kingdom girl asks. "You can't possibly think that any of us would trust you, do you? I mean, how stupid do you think we are? And who is this? Someone you brainwashed into being your puppet?" This was said by another Water Tribe girl of the Avatar's group. She is much younger than Molana, but looks practically identical.

"Peace, sister. I have not been brainwashed- all I have done is offer mercy. We understand such judgments can only be passed down by the Avatar. But Zuko speaks the truth. My people's lives are at stake.  We require your aid, Avatar. Is it not your duty to protect the innocent?" 

"Well,  lemme bring you up to speed "sister." That  guy over there has done nothing but try to hunt us down and capture Aang." This was said by another Water Tribe member, this time a boy. He looked identical to the girl, that Molana assumed they were related. His outbursts and quick-to-anger type attitude reminded her of Jakto.  "I understand your mistrust, brother. But we are telling you the truth. Please. My people's very survival depends on your decision." 

"If you actually think we are gonna trust two bold-face liars like you..!" The Water Tribe girl tries to speak but the Earth Kingdom girl cuts her off.

"Katara wait!" She turns her attention to Zuko and Molana. "Just give me and my group a minute." The group huddles up. "Guys, I know you all have hurt feelings over this guy, but I can feel their vibrations. They're telling the truth. Their tone is sincere. And besides, Appa and Momo really seem to like him." "Well hooray! Throughout a lifetime of evil, at least he didn't add Animal Cruelty to that list." The Water Tribe boy says with vehement sarcasm. "Yeah, let's all give him the 'Not as Much of a Jerk as We Thought !'  Katara says with a sarcastic and bitter tone. "Guys, you're all missing the big point. Aang over here needs a Fire Bending teacher. It's our only chance." "No way Toph! I'd sooner die than let that punk go anywhere near Aang." Katara says. "Me too. But since Appa and Momo are on the same page, we'll count them as one vote. It's two votes against two.  But I guess Aang has the deciding vote! So, what do you  think?" The Water Tribe boy asks Avatar Aang. Aang strokes his chin, further contemplating this very important decision. Zuko has done so many horrible things to this group. But Toph is right. He doesn't have a firebending teacher. And with Sozin's Comet approaching, they're running out of options. Finally, the group disperses and Aang gives the his long time nemesis and the girl he is traveling with his decision.

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