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The night takes over the sky. Everyone is gathered at the peak of a high temple. The Chief stands in front of a giant flame. "If you're going to see the masters, you must bring them a piece of the Eternal Flame. This fire is the very first one. It was given to man by the dragons. We have kept it going for thousands of years." "I don't believe it." Zuko says in awe. "You will each take a piece of it to the masters, to show your commitment to the sacred art of firebending." 

"Yeah, Mr. Sun Chief sir, I'm not a firebender, I'm an earthbender. Could my friend hold my fire for me?" Toph asks. "No." The Chief grabs two pieces of fire from the Eternal Flame. "This ritual illustrates the essence of Sun Warrior philosophy. You must maintain a constant heat. The flame will go out of you make it too small. Make it too big, and you might lose control." Zuko easily takes his fire piece. Toph closes her eyes whilst simultaneously cupping her hands together. She has never felt fire before. The one exception being when Combustion Man burned her feet like a merciless savage. "Deep breath Toph. You can do it." Zuko encourages his friend. Toph listens and breathes. 

The Sun Chief gives her the fire. To her surprise, she is not terrified by it. But enamored and delighted by its presence. "Huh. This actually feels, really nice." Toph says. "Fire is life. Not just destruction." The Chief says in a more soothing tone. "Now go. Your quest to meet the masters begins. Take your flames to the cave of the masters. It is beneath that rock." Cut to Toph and Zuko traveling up the mountain, fire pieces in their hand.

The flickering glow of their sacred flames lights Zuko and Toph's path up the mountain's stony slopes. An owl-cat calls softly in the shadows. A calmness has settled over Zuko's soul, filled with newfound hope. He glances to Toph, noting the wonder on her face as she cradles her flame. "It is different than I expected too," he offers gently. She smiles, giving a nod. They continue up the mountain. Zuko is impressed with Toph's unwillingness to be timid by the fire's temptations. 

They then arrive at the ancient cave of the masters. It presents a bridge with two twin peaks supporting it. The Sun Warriors are waiting on their arrival. "Facing the judgment of the firebending masters will be very dangerous for you. Your ancestors are directly responsible for the dragons' disappearance. The masters might not be so happy to see you." The Chief gives a warning to Zuko. "What about me? I didn't do anything to the dragons." Toph says. "Perhaps not, but I would not count on you receiving a warm welcome from them as well Toph Beifong." The Chief says. "What? Why?" 

"Because your lineage is one that has profited from the Fire Nation's aggression. Sozin made an outstanding profit for desecrating the masters's homeland. In return, he shared his wealth with the other nations in exchange for their aid in his military development. The decline of the dragons is your family's burden, therefore, it is your burden as well." Toph looks down at her feet disappointed. 

The Chief plants his staff in the ground. He takes a piece of Zuko and Toph's eternal fires and hands it to two Sun Warriors standing by. They hand it over to other warriors, who create circular fires. "You sure ya don't wanna turn back now?" Toph asks. "No. We're gonna finish this. Besides, whoever these two are, I bet we can take them in a fight. I heard you love to fight." "I do. But what if they judge us and attack us?" "Well, we're the Fire Prince and the Inventor of Metal Bending. Whoever they are, we can take them. We just gotta stick together. Bring out the masters!" "Chanters!" 

The Chief instructs his people to begin vocalizing rhythmically. Some bang on drums while others hold circular fires. Zuko and Toph go up the stairs, determination and steadiness in their eyes. They then reach the bridge. Two caves facing each side of the Rock. A Sun Warrior begins speaking through an amplifier. "Those who wish to meet the Masters Ran & Shao will now present their fire." Zuko and Toph present their fires. "Sound the call!" The Chief orders. A Sun Warriors blows into a massive horn. The caves begin shaking. Zuko and Toph are not intimidated. They are ready to learn the true source of firebending. Or defend themselves from whatever judgment the master may throw upon them.

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