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"Leaving the party so soon, Water Tribe peasants? You haven't even finished lunch. Mai, Ty Lee, dispose of these five." "Where are you going?" Asks Mai. "I've got something more entertaining to attend to." Ty Lee shrugs her shoulders with optimism. Mai rolls her eyes. The two Fire Nation girls attack Chit Sang, Suki, Katara, Sokka, and a helpless Avatar. Chit Sang charges back. Katara and Suki follow him, leaving Sokka to tend for Aang. The two on three battle commences. "Yeah, just leave me on Avatar babysitting duty! Great idea!" Chit Sang fights Mai while Katara and Suki fight Ty Lee. Chit Sang roared and charged. But these were no mere guards - Mai slipped every strike, firing dart after dart from her sleeves. Still he kept fighting, hoping to shield the others fighting their own battles. In the corner of his eye, he saw Katara lashing out with water strike against the flexible Ty Lee, while Suki matched the acrobat strike for graceful strike. But where was the princess? A sense of unease crept over Chit Sang even as he grappled with Mai. This was all too easy... A movement - he glanced back and saw Azula bearing down upon the helpless Avatar and his comrade, lightning already crackling around her fists! Without thought, Chit Sang bellowed a warning and broke away, charging headlong to intercept her deadly aim. If he bought them even a moment, it was worth his life... Before Azula could land a deadly strike, She is pulled down backwards by two water whips. To her surprise, she sees Molana and Jakto reunited. The sinking water benders stand over her triumphantly with their people by their side. "Remember when I said you were going down? Well, this was it!" Jakto reminds his would-be executioner. Azula snarled, whirling to face this new threat even as the water receded from her throat. More players, more pieces in this endless game - but she would not be beaten, not here. Lightning crackled around her, but before she could unleash its might, a boomerang flew past, staggering her aim. As it returned, she traced its path to the boy at the Avatar's side, a new steel in his eyes. 

"Men! Go subdue the remaining Fire Nation soldiers. We'll handle these three!" Jakto orders his men. They bow and charge to fight to their opposition. "Impossible, how did you escape!?" "It's simple. All I had to do was be one step ahead of you, so that you would be humbled!" "What are you talking about!?" "Molana knew the whole time what your plan was. Use your two friends as bait to deal with the rest of your enemies while you sneak back up to my cell and execute me!" "What? That can't be true!" Ty Lee says "Oh, actually it is." Jakto reassures her. "Of course, it wasn't going to work because my sister had already freed me and my people from our cells by the time she would've gotten there. So instead, she got greedy and tried to take out a more dangerous foe than me." He says pointing at the weakened Aang.  "Molana watched the whole thing from the vent systems. She had your friend spotted out every where she went. You should hear the horrible things she says about you two. What was it you called them Azula? "Mindless fools?" Sucks teeth. "Yikes. Doesn't sound like a good friend to me. Who sacrifices their allies just to stick it to the enemy? Oh wait, I know. It's someone who has never loved anyone but herself her entire life!" "Be silent peasant!" Azula barks. "Your entire life you've used fear to control people! Zuko, your friends, even my people! But no more Azula! Now, you will get to know how it feels to be afraid! What it feels to lose! And that'll make you just like everyone else! No wonder your own mother thought you were a monster." Azula's eyes shot up in complete stunned action.

The words carved deep, far deeper than any blade. For a moment, Azula could only stare in furious shock - how had this peasant laid her soul so bare? Had the finally been the day where she would receive her comeuppance? No. She had not come so far to falter now. "Enough talk. If you want me, come claim me - but you'll find I'm not so easily beaten as your wretched beasts. Let the dance begin!" As she charges up lightning, Ty Lee chi blocks her! Azula falls to the ground stunned! Mai then pins her sleeves to the ground with her knives. "WHAT ARE YOU FOOLS DOING!?" Mai stared back, her face an emotionless mask as ever. "We're tired of this. Tired of being your pawns, living in constant fear of your wrath. It ends now." Fury gripped Azula's heart. How dare they cast her aside, after all she had given them. Everyone escapes, leaving Azula to stay pinned to the ground to cope with her failure. Water Tribe soldiers steal a Fire Navy ship, a repeat of the past when Jakto and Molana lead the charge when their village was destroyed. Mai and Ty Lee set at the helm of the ship, with their redemption in sight. Chit Sang, now free, enjoys the beautiful sun and the wind in his face on the outside of the ship. Appa leads the way. Seating the rest of our heroes. Sokka and Suki embrace, finally reunited. Jakto and Molana hug the most pure sibling hug ever felt. Aang, still in a coma from the straitjacket, laid motionless. Katara looks on with deep concern. Molana scoots over to help "May I assist you, sister?" She gently asks. "Of course." Together, united by trust, the two water tribe girls begin healing the Avatar. Suddenly, the little boy opens his eyes. Katara, tears in her eyes, hugs him with all she has. Everyone lands at the Air Temple. Zuko and Toph awaiting their return.

"Sorry for knocking in the jaw." Suki says to Chit Sang. "I just got a little competitive." "It's okay. Besides. My ex-wife hits harder." Everyone enjoys a good laugh. Anwanna and Bol run up to Jakto. Their eldest cousin returned at last. They then run over to Zuko, their guardian and hug him as well. The two young warriors meet again. "And to think, all of this started because of you saying, 'Hey, Zuko here.'" "Yep. It's like my uncle said, destiny is a funny thing." The two boys hug it out. Zuko locks eyes with Mai, the girl who betrayed him in the forest. He walks over to her, her eyes filled with guilt and shame of her treachery. Then slowly, Zuko's stern face softened into a half-smile. "We've all made mistakes." He clasped her shoulder firmly. "What matters now is the path ahead. Will you walk it with me - to build the new world we've fought for, side by side as friends?" Mai exhaled, relief and gratitude rushing through her like the spring rains. She nodded, returning his smile with her own rare, quiet one. "To friendship, and the future."

Aang looks on at the beautiful sunset. He is ready to embark in this new journey, face the Fire Lord, and bring balance to the world. "Wait! Toph can see!? And can firebend?!" Sokka asks. "Sure can ponytail! Which means I'm gonna kick your butt twice as hard!" "Huh, my life was hard enough when Appa snorted snot onto me." Everyone laughs. Aang looks on with happiness, seeing friends and former foes alike united as one for a common goal. Katara walks over to him, her hand in his. The future was unwritten. But taking a deep breath of hope, Aang knew in his soul that this - right here - was where the real victory had begun.

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