Chapter 16 ~Rainbow and Senpai's~ POV

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Rainbow's POV
I literally side eyed Prince. I was angry at him for speaking to gold like that. And now he's flirting with me?! Well, he probably doesn't know I know her. He also probably would flirt with any girl Senpai would've brought.

"So, Senpai, this your girl?" Liam asked. "Uh no, she's new, and I'm trying to be friends with her," he said. "I thought we were already friends," I smirked. "For real! Okay, cool," he laughed softly.  I laughed as well. "Why? Bec-," Liam was cut off by Prince. "No, it's not about that," he said. He started the car to divert from this conversation.

Senpai's POV
It was because of Valerie. She looked so much like her. Her pink hair, her personality, everything. It's like she reincarnated into Rainbow. And Rainbow, what a name, Valerie would probably name herself that if she could change her name.

But... I just can't replace her. I tried to find love, but they kept getting murdered. What the hell is wrong me! I don't think I could date anymore. Or ever find love, so I need to stop this little crush I have on a person I just met. I need to focus on my studies more.

I looked over at Rainbow she was moving around looking out the window and smiling. She is so god damn pretty. I turned my eyes back to the road. We finally got to the library. Prince got out immediately and opened her door. "There you are, Princess," he smirked. I glared at him. Stop it! You don't care, Kai!

I got out on the other side where Liam was standing. "Ready?!" I asked everyone. "Yeah!" They said. Rainbow skipped. "She is so god damn pretty," Prince said. "You had your chance with Gold, and you messed it up," I said. "Yeah, but I can do it right this time," he said. "You literally were cheating on her while you were on a call with her," I said. "A man can change," he said. "He's never going to learn," Liam said. Prince flipped us off and put his arm around Rainbow. He threw his hand off as he walked into the glass. "Told you," Liam said as we laughed.

We got in, and Prince was flirting with Rainbow again. He kept trying to touch her. "Hey, I told you we were not doing that," I said. "Right, sir," Prince saluted. Rainbow laughed. "Size 11, and 2 size 10s in men," I said. "Rainbow, what's your shoe size," she looked zoned put. Liam nudged her. "Oh, umm, what? Sorry," she said awkwardly. "Shoe size," I asked. "Oh 6," she said. "6," I said. "Kk," the lady behind the desk said. She got out our shoes.

Rainbow was skipping, and Prince was trying to look up her skirt. I punched him in the arm. "Hey," he whispered. "Stop being so weird," I said. He stuck out his tongue at me and did weird things a if he were.... We're bot going to talk about that. "Heels?" I asked. "Hehe, yeah, Kyran dared me to wear heels all week," she laughed. I laughed, too. "I forgot about that!" I laughed. "Yeah," she smiled.

Rainbow's POV
Size 11? I shouldn't think much about it. But Evelyn did say he was the top suspect on her list. Prince and Liam are good friends, but they keep talking about her. It seems like Senpai is still grieving over her. Maybe it isn't him. But it could. Everything adds up except the motive. Why did he kill her? It's so mysterious to me. Why?

I put on my shoes and smiled. "But doesn't that mean you're not wearing heels?" Liam smirked. "Don't tell Ky," I said. "Hmm?" He asked. "I meant Kyran," I awkwardly laughed. "How do you know his real name?" Prince asked. Senpai smirked. "Gold and Funneh talk a lot," I laughed. "Funneh and Gold?" Prince asked. "Yeah, they're my friends, and yeah, they told me about you," I shot him a glare. He jumped. Shocked. "Told you it will come back to bite you," Senpai said. "For real," Liam said. He looked embarrassed.

We found our lane. Lane 12. The other team was there. It was all guys, too. It was 4 other people. There was a girl who looked like Evan. And another one that looked like Senpai. There was even one that looked like Alec and Kyran. But they weren't?

"Ugh," Prince scuffed. "Why are we playing them!" Liam said. "I don't know, but we got this!" Senpai said. "Who are they, and that guy looks like you," I whispered. "They're from Vengence high, rivals from our school," Prince explained. "They're also full with spoiled brats," Liam said saltly. "They're rich?" I asked. "With their Daddie's money," Senpai said. "They're also like our doppelgangers, so it's really weird," Senpai said.

"Whatsup!" Evan's doppelganger laughed as if we were a joke. Senpai rolled his eyes. "Ha! They have a girl on their team," they laughed at me. Side eyed them. I was about to flip them off, but Liam put my hands down. "Don't let them get to you," he whispered. As if they were going to kill us.

"We'll go first," Alec's doppelganger said. "By the way, I'm Eric, and this guy is Aiden," Evan's doppelganger said and pointed to Alec's doppelganger. "Kaito," Senpai's doppelganger said. "Kris," Kyran's doppelganger said. "Cool," I gave them an awkward smile. "What's your name?" Kaito asked. I saw him give me a smirk as if he was flirting with me like Prince was earlier. "Rainbow," I said promptly. I have to be confident, or they will beat me down. "Nice name," he said, and the others laughed. I rolled my eyes.

I started first I got freaking strike the first time! I was so angry. I guess I just did it. It's been do long since I've bowled. "Wow, new girl can beat your scores by a lot," Ayden smirked. They ignored him. "Nice one," Senpai said. We high five. "Thanks, I'm surprised I haven't bowled in a long time," I laughed. "Well, keep it up," Liam said. "We're going to throw them on the ditch," Prince yelled. I saw the other team roll their eyes at us.

Senpai's POV
We kept on playing, and we kept going back in fourth, scoring one more point than Vengence high. I was so happy! We've never gotten close to beating them! Rainbow is good luck! My god, she is so amazing!... she's amazing, but I just... I just can't. If something happens, I could not forgive myself. I know it's not my fault, but... still...

P4ince was sucking today. He's usually our best player. Maybe it's because of gold? I hope not because that was his fault. He better get his game back up. We could most likely win if he could get his game up. Rainbow was actually pretty good. We just need Prince! Then we can win! Then we can rub it in their faces.

I looked over at their team. They were sweating. They seemed really stressed out. I believe it goes into the school paper all the time. I see off to the side that one of their reporters are there taking videos and writing down stuff for their paper. "Lol," Liam said. He was looking at them, too. "I know, right?" I whispered. I saw Rainbow on the bench on her phone. She was talking to Prince. I thought he gave her a bad impression, but they seem to be getting along now.

It was my turn. I threw the ball, but then it was a gutter ball. Vengence High laughed at me. I was surprised I threw that so well, and it was a gutter ball. "What?! How?!" Liam yelled. "Dammit!" I yelled. She's fucking messing with my head. Rainbow and Valerie!
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