Chapter 25

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Day after the party!
Lunar's POV
I was lying in bed and saw Evan at my bedside. He fell asleep. I looked down, and he was on his knees. His arms were on the bed, and he had is head resting in them. Did he stay all night with me? Where's Rainbow? And Draco? Did we catch them is that why they're not here?

I sat up and shook Evan awake. "What..." He groaned. "What happened? Where's Rainbow and Draco?" I asked. He brought his head up. "Draco's in the hospital, and Rainbow went to go get money from your parents to pay for all of this," he said, rubbing his eyes. "Is Draco and Rainbow alright?" I asked. "Yeah, Draco got sniped like you did, but he's been awake, and Rainbow didn't get hurt," he smiled. "Good..." I sighed.

"So why are you here?" I asked. "Damn, don't like me. I can't just help out a friend?" He said. "Umm, Rainbow told me to stay with you until she comes back," he said. "I also need to watch you to make sure nothing bad happens," he said. "So they didn't catch them?" I asked. "Yeah..." He said

I looked around my room. The curtains were closed, I saw the light through the curtains, but the room was dark. "I can open them if you want?" Evan asked. I jumped. "Umm, yeah," I said. "Alright," he laughed. He opened them, and it felt less stuffy in here. I felt lighter. But then I felt a jolt of pain where I've been shot. I shook and started to shake. "You alright?" He asked. "Yeah, it just hurts," I said. I felt his hand on my back and became flustered.

Flustered? Embarrassed? Do I have my emotions back? Huh? I'm so confused. Then I felt the energy I've been feeling around him run through my body. I was happy? But I want to cry. Yeah, I think I have too many emotions now. I laughed. "Are you sure you seem out of it," he said. "Yeah, I'm fine," I said. I smiled a real smile for the first time in what, a year? I felt so relieved. I felt him lift his hand off my back. I felt all the energy go right back out.

"You're hurting yourself," Evan exclaimed. He grabbed my hands from my thighs. I didn't realize I had been digging my fingernails into my thighs. "S-sorry," I said. Then, I felt the energy go back in throughout my body. It felt so fucking good. But I can only feel it if he's touching me. Can I extract his energy? No I can't do that, that's mean. But could I?

Let's not talk about it. "You're fine, just if your stuck in your head you can lie back down," he told me. I laid back down he was sitting on my bed. He got off and went back on his knees and rested his head and arms on the bed staring at me.

Rainbow's POV
I just got off the plane. I was with Draco. I forgot to tell Evan he was out of the hospital. He woke up so I asked him to come with me if he was feeling up to it which he was so he came with me!

The hospital didn't call the parents fortunately. You know what's also fortunate? The headmistress said she would pay for stuff like this. Like insurance! Sure we have beef with her but she gave us some good perks that almost made up for what she did to us and especially Lunar.

Our insurance was her giving us money not the actual insurance. She apparently is being tracked down so we have to go get it from her in person. We gave her a heads up we were coming but she doesn't really pay attention to what we say. She is also really bad about picking up her phone.

I called an a cab from the academy earlier and I found the back mini van pulled up to the curb. I waved at the window and climbed in with Draco. "Name," he said not looking back with gun in hand. "Agent Rainbow," I said. He nodded in the mirror. He started to drive.

"Did she answer?" Draco asked. I checked. "No," I said. "Dammit she might yell at us or assume we did it," he said. "Yeah, and boy I'd be in trouble," I said. "You need a better grip," he nodded. I elbowed him and we laughed. "Yeah yeah whatever," I said.

"I'm so tired," I said. "From the plane?" He asked. "Yeah and that I didn't sleep last night," I said. "Rainbow you need sleep!" He said. "Yeah but I was worried!" I said. I leaned against the door and pressed my cheek to the window. I saw Draco do the same and he held my hand. He's so sweet!

"Who was the girl you were talking to? Not Yandere but the vampire girl?" He asked. "Oh that was Aly, she's Alec's little sister, she's a grade below us," I said. "Why?" I asked. "I just didn't know who she was," Draco said looking out the window. "She's such a sweet girl! Funneh and Gold keep calling her my little me," I smiled. "Really?" "Yeah," I said. Alec and Aly huh," he said. "Yeahhh," I said. We laughed. "Their parents are real creative," he laughed. "For real," I said.

"Ehen we get back we have to interrogate them and maybe they have alibis," Draco said. "Oh yeah," I said. "I don't wanna do thay," I sighed. "Yeah but we have to do our job to be released," he said. "You don't want to be released though," I said. "I do! I like the job just not headmistress she's mean," he said. "Fair fair," I said. "Do you like being a spy?" He asked me. "Umm it's alright I like it its just not my dream ya know," I looked at him and smiled.

Draco's POV
We got there and got out of the car. We went up to the gate and did face ID it beeped. The gate doors opened and we were let in. Kids were all over the place even though it's the weekend. They must've not finished their work or something or something bad had happened.

We went in and went to her office at on the other side of the school. She wasn't there. We passed the receptionists back out they were glaring at us. They're always glaring at us even though we didn't do anything it was headmistress who made us go here.

We searched the downstairs looking for her but she wasn't there. We looked through the cafeteria but she wasn't there. Where is she? Then I saw the food they were eating it looked really good even though it was cheeseburger that had plastic tasting cheese.

"Rainbow?" I asked. "Yeah we can go," she smirked. We went through the lunch line and hopefully we won't be stopped because I was really hungry and it seemed like Rainbow was too. We found an empty classroom and we sat there and ate lunch. I can't believe it was lunch already and I was starved.

Rainbow and I devoured that meal and I was still hungry. "I'm hungry," I said. "Me too!" Rainbow said. "Maybe we can get something on the way to the airport later," she said. "Okay," I sighed. "So let's go find headmistress," Rainbow said. She got up and I followed we threw our trays in the big trash can.

It was time to search upstairs. We looked upstairs and there was no headmistress. I was getting a little annoyed. The only time she disappears is when we need her. And we need her because we need money and we can't go back with nothing in hand. I mean we could asked Rainbow's parents or mine but I don't want them to come to Yandere High. Then all of our parents would be there and I think we all know that's embarrassing.

We came to a stopping point after we looked all over the school for her. We went downstairs to the receptionists desks. "Hey do you know where the headmistress is?" I asked. "Umm," they looked at eachother. "We're on a job and we need her, now," Rainbow said. "Fine, don't tell anyone but she's been tracked down by the FBI because this place is a little illegal and now she's on lockdown," one said. "Can we get to her?" I asked. "No unfortunately," he said. "We don't even know where she is," a woman said. "Dang it," Rainbow said.

"Is there any way to get money from her?" I asked. "No, what do you need money for?" He asked. "The hospital agent Lunar and I got sniped," I said. "How much do you need?" He asked getting out some cash from his wallet. "600," Rainbow said. "Here."
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