Chapter 30

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Funneh's POV
We looked around for Alec and Lunar because they were missing. "I'll text her," Rainbow said. "Okay," Gold replied.  "She said she's hanging out with Yandere, and she apparently invited Alec as well," Rainbow said. "Weird but alright," Aly said. "Homework at our dorm?" I asked. "Yeah, sure!" Senpai said. We started to walk to Gold and I's dorm. I saw Senpai and Rainbow holding hands and talking. They are like the perfect couple... Rainbow just looks a lot like Valerie when she's with Senpai. I sighed. I miss her so much. She didn't have to go like that.

We got to our dorm, and we all sat down around the coffee table to do our homework. We started with Math, which Draco and Senpai were helping the rest of us. Senpai is a senior, and Draco is just smart. He's also in the smart classes. We worked on this for like an hour and gold, and I still didn't quite get it. Everyone kept trying to explain it to us, but my head was spinning, and I think Gold's was spinning as well because she seemed out of it.

We didn't get it, so we just moved on through the other subjects. We got done just before 6. "What now?" Kyran asked, leaning back on the couch. "I don't know," I said. I also leaned back with him. TV," Evan said, reaching for the remote. "Yeahhhhh," Draco agreed. They turned on the TV. "What should we watch?" Evan asked. "Avatar!" Rainbow said. We giggled. "Which one the blue people or Aang?" Evan laughed. "Aang, the show, not the movie," she said. "Kk," he said. He switched it to Netflix and clicked on Avatar, the last Airbender.

We continued to watch that show, but we got bored in the middle of the first episode. "What should we do while watching this?" Senpai asked. He paced around the whole living room. It was making me dizzy.

When was Lunar and Alec getting back. I wanted to ask Alec out to the dance since he did not earlier today at lunch when everyone else did. Including Senpai and Rainbow. Like, bro! Wait.... what if Alec and Lunar..... I shouldn't think that way, but it could be enemies to lovers kind of thing. Funneh, stop! Don't think that way! You trust Alec and especially Lunar! Just don't think that way, Funneh, okay?

We just ended up just watching Avatar. We got distracted by penguin sledding. After we watched a few episodes, it was almost curfew, and everyone had to leave. Gold and I started to clean up. We found candy wrappers. "Where did they get candy?" Gold asked, picking up a few. "I don't know, but I want some!" I exclaimed. "Me too!" She said. I started to wipe down the table and pick up the papers they left that they said were trash.

After we were done, we headed up to bed. Gold was doing her skincare, but I was really tired, and I fell on my face on my bed and slept.

Gold's POV
It was finally the weekend, and Funneh and I were going to go dress shopping. Just the 2 of us like the good Ole times. This time, I got up early and got ready, so Funneh won't be so impatient and always waiting on me.

"Ready Funneh?" I called. "No!" She yelled. Oh, have the tables turned. I smirked. "Funneh, hurry up!" I yelled. "The mall is about to open, and if we get there later, it's going to be flooding with people!" I yelled. "I am! I'm getting dressed, then we can go!" She yelled. I laughed. I grabbed my bag as she rushed downstairs.

I called an Uber, and it pulled up in the parking lot. We got in the car. "Kim," I said. He nodded. He started to move. Then we passed the mall. "Hey, our stop is this mall you just passed," I said. "Nope, it says this mall," he showed me his phone. "Oh, I must've put the wrong mall. That's okay, I guess," I sighed. I sat back down next to Funneh, who was falling asleep. She leaned on me and fell asleep. Ugh, now I'm going to be bored. I sighed.

We finally got the far mall. "Here's your stop," he said. I woke up Funneh, and we got out of the car. "Thank you!" I said. "Yep," he nodded. And he drove off. "I don't know this mall," Funneh said. I explained it to her. "Oh, is there a map, or do we have to wander around?" She asked as we walked inside. "I'm not sure I've never been here before," I said. We got to the middle looking for a map, but there was none. We sighed.

We started to wander around until we saw a dress shop. It was bigger than our regular mall and it was like a maze and there was no map. As you can tell this store is so convenient.

"Hey, I found one!" Funneh exclaimed. l. She pointed to the 3rd floor and I saw a blue dress in their window. "How do we get up there," I asked. "I don't know, but let's try to get on that floor first," she said, going to the escalators. I followed her. We went up the escalators, and we had to go through a huge maze full of stores. We went through it and we still couldn't find it.

After about an hour we finally found the store and we went inside and it was a huge dress store. We looked at the prices and the dress in the window was 300 dollars. "We don't have this kind of money!" Funneh said. We looked around, and these dresses were over-priced. Some of them were torn and were still 500 dollars. We sighed. "We can't win," Funneh said. "It feels that way," I said. "Come on, let's go to the other mall."
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