Chapter 22

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Rainbow's POV
I sent Lunar out to get the mail because I was doing schoolwork at the kitchen counter. She came back in and gave me a letter. I opened it, and it was an invitation to a Halloween party at Yandere's. I love Yandere she is such a sweet girl.

I want to go but I was going to celebrate Funneh's birthday and we already had plans for her birthday.
R: Sorry I can't come to the Halloween party:(
Y: Did someone ask you already?
R: Oh no, Funneh's birthday is on Halloween, and I already had plans
Y: Oh, the party is out in the woods. we can turn it into a surprise party for her!
R: Oh, I like that idea!
Y: Okay, I'll resend the letters
R: Okay, now I can go!
Y: Yay
I was so happy now I can see Yandere and celebrate Funneh's birthday! I'm so happy and energetic right now.

"What?" Lunar asked. She noticed my energy. "We're having a surprise birthday party for Funneh that Yandere's hosting!" I said. "Oh, am I invited?" She asked. "Of course, she just didn't know who you were, and you're Funneh's friends, so of course you're invited!" I smiled. "Alright, alright," she said.

"Where at?" She asked. In some woods, she said she had games planned for Halloween and then a camp out, which will be so much fun!" I said. "Okay," she said. "It says right here if you want to read," I said. I handed it to her, and she sat down and read it. "What do you think?" I asked. She muttered something. "What?" I asked. "Intresting," she said, handing it back. It was not what she said. What did she say? I wonder.

I put the paper on the fridge and continued my homework.

Draco's POV
Since I had a dorm with Prince and now he's dead... I had it all to myself! It's bad, but I'm happy because we moved all the equipment over here to Prince's old room, and now I hang out in there and research. Most of the time, Lunar comes over, but Rainbow seems to be soaking up high school life instead of doing her job. So she's not over here a lot.

I've got to admit she looks happier than she has been. I want her to help, but she seems so sad when she does this. Maybe this job as a spy is for her. Maybe it's just for me. She's not happy with this situation. The only thing I don't like is how everything started with this. With Lunar and headmistress forcing us. I don't want to get into details because it's distracting me from my work.

I started cutting out pieces of evidence, but it all meant nothing. We have nothing. We're not even close with this case. Why is this so hard?! I went through all scenarios and got them all within an hour at school. Why is my brain not calculating this now? It doesn't seem that easy anymore. Maybe those were easy. Maybe this is hard mode or extreme. But I did all those levels at school. Thus, it is so frustrating! At least I'm not doing it alone.

I called Evelyn for advice on what to do on this. She's been at it for a while, it seems like. "Hey!" She answered. "Hey, is there any job you need me to do? I'm a little stuck," I said. "No, not really, I'm stuck as well. I don't know what to do," she said. I sighed. "Alright, bye, Evelyn," I said and hung up.
Lunar's POV
It was the end of summer. Funneh and Gold already left for their school in the U.S. we haven't started school back here in Canada. Rainbow signed us up for a interview for a movie just for fun! I'm so excited so was Draco. I felt like we we were trolling people on games which was so much fun!

We headed to the interview. I was litterally shaking with energy! "Woah calm down Lunar," Draco said. "Sorry I'm so nervous and excited at the same time," I laughed. "Me too but I'm not shaking like you," he laughed. We all laughed.

It took forever to get there. It was like 2 and half hours to get there. We had to stop at a gas station for snacks because Draco was hungry and so was I but Draco was the one wining at Rainbow to stop to get food. He litterally got a basket full of snacks and checked out before Rainbow and I could look around. We didn't want to waste money so maybe we could share with Draco. But no those are all for him so we were starving! It was not fun listening to him eat.

We got to the studio place. "Welcome!" This tall old women said. Her hair was in a slick back bun. She was a read head with streaks if grey in her hair. Her skin all wrinkly. She wore a green dress that went past her ankles. "Hey," we said. "So this is an improvise, so act the part and if you do well you will get it!" She smiled. She gave each of us a paper with instructions. "Thank you!" Rainbow said.

We found a seat and sat down. We reviewed the paper. We had to be a spy in disguise at a party. We had an earpiece and we were talking to the person who was helping us. This seems easy enough. I can do this. Rainbow Draco and I do skits at school so this is no problem. But this was just for fun let's just hope we don't accidentally get the role which is probably not going to happen with all these people here in our way.

Draco smiled. That was his competitive smile. He just wanted to beat the whole thing and then turn them down. Hopefully we don't get picked.

Rainbow went and came back. "It's easy!" She said. I went up and saw that there were 3 judges which gave me anxiety. I stood there waiting. "Name," they said. "Right! I'm Wenny La," I said. "I'm trying for the spy part," I continued. I started to act out my part. They were monotone but they were writing stuff down, good things I hope.

I came out and I was not feeling good about myself. Draco went in were I just came to do his part which was the same as mine and Rainbow's. We waited for some time and he came back out looking stressed. I've never seen him like that before. It was a beautiful sight. I laughed at him. "Shut up, they're so judgy," he said. "That's why they're called judges Draco," Rainbow giggled. "Whatever," he sat with his arms crossed.

We waited for awhile people were getting called back again and they came out looking really sad. They didn't get the part. It kept going till we were the last ones left and it was dark outside. Then they called all 3 of us in. "What?" Rainbow asked. We were so confused. We went into the room where the lady was from earlier was standing there waiting for us.

"Hello again," she smiled. We waved. We looked so confused. "Anyways this was a test," she said. "Wait what?!" We all said. "Yes, let me explain my lovelies," she said.

"We created this test to find students for our academy of spies. We were running low on students and students who weren't passing so we created this to pick the best students for our academy! And you guys were the best picks!" She said. "We don't want to join any academy," Rainbow said. I nodded in agreement while Draco looked shocked. "Oh come on! It will be fun! I promise," she said. "I bet, but we would have to respectfully decline," I said.

We turned around d to leave but gaurds closed and guarded the door. "Hey!" Draco yelled. "You will sign this paper.... or else," she growled behind us. I turned around and stepped up to her our faces were so close together. "Or else what?! I'm not afraid of you," I said. My eyes glowed purple with anger. Her eyes glowed green. I stepped back flabbergasted. She laughed. "This," she answered. I felt her energy, it wasn't dark which was surprising because she seemed evil. "So what are you going to do? Either way you're going to sign it," she laughed. "There's an easy way and the hard way, hard way means staying at the school until you graduate so you better choose wisely," she continued.

I looked at them. They were also shocked at the thought of another Witch. "We are bot going to sign the damn paper!" I yelled. She flew towards me and gripped ahold of my neck and pinned me against the wall choking me. Her aura was green flames. I used s Pell to defy gravity and pushed her off of me and threw her against the other wall. I went a little forward because of her grip, it was so strong. Blood ran down my neck from her nails and I got a nose bleed.

"You should've done that kid," she said. She came out me and I dodged. We were at each other's throats and then she started to use all of her magic that was left at me. I casted a shield spell to block it, but it was a continuous burst of magic. I breathed in... I have too.

I breathed in and casted a forbidden spell that was only once casted by lord Eden the Wizard of all wizards and witches to protect them. The spell was so dangerous that he banned it. He destroyed all books of it but his diary. I somehow found his diary and read it and I have knowledge of the spell. But this is a spell that comes with a cost since it is banned. I am willing to take that risk for my friends.

I smiled at Rainbow and Draco before I casted. Their eyes widened when they came to realize what I was doing. I casted it but my magic power was drained from the fight and I got blasted by her magic and felt I lost something from using that spell. I was drained from my power I couldn't move. I saw Rainbow and Draco rush to my side before I blacked out.
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