Chapter Five: Convention Control

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The Samson's bridge reminded Natalie of an airplane's cockpit, only on a much grander scale. Everyone sitting or standing at a computer screen seemed to be a pilot in his or her own regard. They turned knobs, flicked switches, pressed buttons, typed codes, and measured data as if they were members of a technological orchestra.

Admiral Blosam guided Natalie to a guest seat next to his admiral's chair, where a black helm awaited his hands for steering.

"Golden Giant, sit here."

Natalie followed his orders and strapped herself in. Admiral Blosam grasped the helm and stared out into the passing stars.

"Samson ready for deceleration, sir!" somebody shouted.

Admiral Blosam flicked a switch next to the helm. The lights above them flashed three times, followed by the grumble of a blaring horn.


Admiral Blosam leaned into a microphone that grew out of his armchair. His voice boomed over the loudspeaker.

"Brace for starspeed deceleration in three . . . two . . . one!"

Gravity tugged Natalie forward like she was in a slow-moving car accident

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Gravity tugged Natalie forward like she was in a slow-moving car accident. The stars scurried back into being tiny dots, and the Elem Cloud came into view. The Samson dove into it and sailed through its magenta clouds and crumbled mountains of rock and ice. The thick veil gradually lifted away like a theater curtain before a highly anticipated performance.

 The thick veil gradually lifted away like a theater curtain before a highly anticipated performance

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The Elem System presented itself in all its splendor. Its one hundred planets, each harmoniously orbiting alongside the other, briefly turned from Elem's blue light to welcome Natalie like she was an old friend arriving at a reunion. She couldn't contain the excitement of being in their presence again.

I'm back, she privately celebrated. I'm finally back.

 I'm finally back

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The Astronites II: Avast VoyageWhere stories live. Discover now