Chapter Twenty-Six: The Chase

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NATALIE?! Jake crazily natalized over the screeching winds. WHERE DID YOU—

Just hold on, Jake! Natalie returned. I have a plan to get onto the Crusader!

Natalie's fingers sank into Jake's bronze skin as her rocket, Swole Chunkus, flew them upwards at ludicrous speed. As the sticky vines tightly secured Natalie to Swole Chunkus, Natalie channeled all her strength into her arms to hug Jake and prevent him from falling. She felt like she was cradling an entire mountain into the air. Jake's thick muscles pressed Natalie's poison ivy sword and spare loop of knotted vines deeper into her legs.

 Jake's thick muscles pressed Natalie's poison ivy sword and spare loop of knotted vines deeper into her legs

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Xorina's warship grew ever closer. Its guns and batteries swiveled around and fired on Natalie's rocket. Natalie locked eyes with the inbound projectiles. With a great burst of Imagnium, she released all her power into the sky and caused everything the Crusader launched at her to either veer off course and fall to the planet or prematurely explode.

 With a great burst of Imagnium, she released all her power into the sky and caused everything the Crusader launched at her to either veer off course and fall to the planet or prematurely explode

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Jake's initial shock subsided into horrific reflection.

Natalie . . . General Pacbull's dead.

Natalie nearly lost her concentration when she heard Jake's news. What?!

It was the Knight, Jake said. He's on that warship. We have to stop him.

Little Leaf's on there, too, Natalie said. I bet the Knight's protecting her.

Little who?

She's my friend, but the Mandata think she's Sodom's Treasure. They're keeping her in a glass box in Xorina's cabin.

How're we gonna get there?

I have a plan! Trust me!

As the Crusader made for Sodom's thick layer of rain clouds, Natalie pushed her back against Swole Chunkus and nudged it into an upright flight. She and Jake swooped faster into the sky. The Crusader went from being directly on top of them to being slightly in front of them. Natalie knew Xorina was pushing the Crusader to its limits. Its titanic engines beat out fiery jets of flames faster, desperate to reach space before the Astronites caught it.

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