Chapter Eight: Ole Indy is Marching On

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After their dinner at the Pish-Pash-Push Parlor, the Astronites showed Ranger back to Star. He circled the fleetjet and surveyed it like he was about to auction it.

 He circled the fleetjet and surveyed it like he was about to auction it

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"She'll do," he assessed before entering.

He then inspected the bedroom, messroom, kitchen, bathroom, and cargo hold before finally checking out the pilots' cabin.

"Which one of these seats oversees the defenses?" he asked.

"That one," Jake pointed.

Ranger went over to the seat next to Natalie's. He rubbed his hands along its rocky cushions, as they were originally designed for Jake.

"Very nice," he smirked.

Natalie, Jake, and Yona assumed their usual posts. Star's face returned to the forward window as Jake prepared her for flight.

 Star's face returned to the forward window as Jake prepared her for flight

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"Welcome back, Astronites," she greeted. "I see we have a visitor."

She blankly stared at Ranger.

"I am sorry," she apologized. "I cannot identify you. Are you an Elemite?"

Ranger didn't respond. Star looked to the Astronites with motherly concern.

"He's with us, Star," Natalie said as she placed Ador on her lap. "You can trust him."

Star eyed Ranger suspiciously before moving on. "The Independence is waiting for us at Command Castle," she informed them. "I have already set the course for you, Exo."

"I see it," Jake confirmed as he wrapped his fingers around the joystick and throttle. He tapped his earpiece. "Hagmar Control, this is Star. We're departing the atmosphere now. Copy."

Jake pulled back on the joystick and brought Star's engines to liftoff power. He raised her nose high into the air, and everybody fell back into their seats. Rain pounded the fleetjet with greater force as they accelerated into the sky. Once they broke through the heavy blanket of clouds, the thunderstorms disappeared, and Elemite space laid out before them. Jake flew to the edge of Command Castle, where dozens of fleetships gathered for the Avast mission.

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