Chapter Nineteen: The Thorned Thicket

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Natalie's duties in the nest turned out to be much more endangering than she anticipated

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Natalie's duties in the nest turned out to be much more endangering than she anticipated. What started out as a simple ship-spotting job turned into a front row seat of battlespace.

The lavish, sparkling pirate ships that had been joined together for the Two-Hundred and Sixty-Fourth Convocation were abruptly blown to smithereens by the Yellow Jack's world-ending cannons

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The lavish, sparkling pirate ships that had been joined together for the Two-Hundred and Sixty-Fourth Convocation were abruptly blown to smithereens by the Yellow Jack's world-ending cannons. Ogles' nest shook with the mast as the Yellow Jack eviscerated the buzzing little fleetjets like a dragon swatting away little birds. When the coast was clear, the Great Captain's crew alighted the Yellow Jack's ropes and swung onto the five main pirate ships, swarming their decks like frantic monkeys. They engaged in short and forgettable hand-to-hand combat with any opposing forces before erupting into cheers and calls of victory.

When Yona natalized to her about the massacre below decks, Natalie realized that what transpired wasn't a sudden spurt of violence, but rather an attack composed by Arbaz, orchestrated by Que, and aided by Ogles.

In fact, while the battle raged all around him, Ogles rested on the nest's edge like he was enjoying a relaxing sunset. He patiently waited for the action to end before calling Que and informing him of the results.

"Cheer up, Hot Hands," he encouraged a horror-stricken Natalie. "It's business as usual. Soon, Sodom's Treasure will be ours now that the Great Captain commands a brand new pirate fleet."

For Natalie, the return to "business as usual" took a few more hours. After watching companies of prisoners brought into the Yellow Jack, she gawked to see the same men and women reemerge armed with swords and march alongside Yellow Jack pirates to take command of Arbaz's new fleet. The five pirate ships detached themselves from the Yellow Jack and flew in formation on either side of her. They lowered their old flags and raised black ones.

With the pirate fleet assembled, Ogles gave Natalie her latest assignment.

"Keep a weather eye on the Great Captain's new ships. Make sure nobody falls out of line."

"Aye," Natalie instinctively responded before asking herself, Wait, what did I just say?

For the next two hours, Natalie soaked in every detail of the Yellow Jack's newest companions and muttered their names to herself so she could tell them apart. Soon, she knew everything a rookie lookout could know about the Vengeful Grudge, Dreaded Brute, Aspirant, Mad Musketeer, and New Frontier. Ogles was thoroughly impressed.

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