Chapter Seven: The Pish-Pash-Push Parlor

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For Natalie, being back on Star was like riding a dear bicycle again. As much as she loved basking in Elem's blue light, it was Star's minute details that gave her true pleasure. It was easy for Natalie to imagine looking out at passing stars and fleetships. But remembering things Natalie couldn't readily see or feel was much harder. All of Star's little noises — from her beeping sensors to her engine's whirs — sweetened Natalie's return to the Elem System.

Jake used their short journey to Hagmar to demonstrate his masterful flying skills to Natalie and Ador while Yona went into the bedroom and made sure their belongings were securely stowed away

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Jake used their short journey to Hagmar to demonstrate his masterful flying skills to Natalie and Ador while Yona went into the bedroom and made sure their belongings were securely stowed away. Though Jake wasn't Adam, his practice lessons with the UEF were well spent. Under his delicate handiwork, Star flew without interference around the third-ring planets. Each one looked like a snow globe that Natalie could reach out and hold in the palm of her hand.

 Each one looked like a snow globe that Natalie could reach out and hold in the palm of her hand

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One day I'll visit them all, she thought to herself. Just like Aleph said. . . .

"How much longer till we arrive on Hagmar?" Natalie asked.

"Mm, about five minutes," Jake said, reading one of his instruments. "Maybe you could give Yona a heads up, so she doesn't suddenly find herself bouncing around the walls when we enter the planet's atmosphere."

Natalie ventured to the back of the fleetjet, with Ador trailing closely behind her. When she entered the bedroom, she found Yona sitting in darkness on one of the bottom bunkbeds. Of the five bedside chests (one for each Astronite), one had been opened, and its contents partially moved onto Yona's bed. They consisted of old photographs.

The lights automatically brightened as Natalie entered. Yona, somewhat startled by her friend's appearance, quickly wiped her face and began to gather the photographs together in a makeshift pile.

"Natalie! Sorry! I didn't realize how long I was out," Yona said, turning her face away from Natalie and Ador's concerned looks. "Are we reaching Hagmar?"

"Soon," Natalie said. "Umm . . . Ador, why don't you go back to the pilots' cabin with Jake? Yona and I will be along in just a second."

Ador nodded and swiftly exited. Natalie didn't say anything until she was sure that his keen, canine ears were out of reach before she closed the door behind her and went over to Yona's side.

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