Chapter Seventeen: Knowns and Unknowns

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With the Crusader and the Mandata fleet on the other side of the Thorned Thicket, Xorina convened a meeting of the generals and admirals to review their next steps before reaching Sodom

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With the Crusader and the Mandata fleet on the other side of the Thorned Thicket, Xorina convened a meeting of the generals and admirals to review their next steps before reaching Sodom. Xorina sat next to the Knight in her conference room, and from dozens of screens and monitors surrounding her, listened to high-ranking Mandata officials confirm their plans.

Even the Xemplar's personal aide and top warlord — Vice Gallows and General Wrothor — dropped in on the call. Because they were so high up in the Xemplar's the chain of command, the Xemplar's presence indirectly reflected off of them and brought a sense of respect and tension to the situation.

Xorina approved of everything that was discussed in the meeting, but one small detail bothered her. One of the faces shining on screen, the only one that wasn't Mandata, seemed to be masking its true feelings.

"Prepare for entry into Sodom's atmosphere," Xorina said at the meeting's end. "Admiral Blosam, remain on the line. I want a word with you in private."

"Yes, ma'am," they all replied.

The gray Mandata faces disappeared one by one until only Pacbull remained. He looked like he had consumed something rotten and couldn't expel it from his body.

"I sense conflict from you, admiral. Explain yourself."

The admiral cleared his throat. He sounded like he was parched for water.

"My fath—Arleon is alive," he painstakingly confessed. "And, umm, Golden Giant is too. They invaded my mind. They met with me, in my dreams, using the Principles."

Xorina coiled her fingers together, wishing Admiral Blosam's neck was beneath them.

"What did you tell them?" she sharply asked.

"Nothing!" Pacbull quickly answered. "I swear, they know nothing about us!"

"The Xemplar highly recommended you, admiral," Xorina fumed. "I trust you by his word, not yours. Do I need to tell the Xemplar that he was wrong?"

"No, no, no!" Admiral Blosam stammered.

"Then what is the matter?" Xorina impatiently pressed. "If Arleon is still alive, kill him and be done with the matter. What more needs to be said?"

Admiral Blosam's lips curled into each other. "I just . . . I don't feel complete, ma'am. I thought killing him would bring me the peace I wanted . . . but it didn't. I just feel—"

"I promise you, admiral, he will die," Xorina said. "You will have your vengeance. The Knight will see to it personally if needed."

The Knight was motionless, but Xorina knew he accepted her latest order. He'd carry it out without fail.

"Anything else?" she asked.

"No, ma'am," Pacbull responded. He appeared to be in better spirits, but Xorina was still unconvinced that she had uprooted his father's influence over him.

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