A Day Out Shopping

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Marleys Pov:

They arrived at the Hotel around 1 am. Luckily it didn't rain at the Show so they didn't have to delay it and it finished on time. Marley felt exhausted and Sore doing a Show for Three Hours could do that to your Body. It would take her sometime to get used to Touring like this. When she got back to the Hotel with Taylor, Marley let her Sister take a Shower first she would take one not long after she did.

By the time they both Showered, they both got in Bed about around 2 am both too exhausted to do anything else but sleep. That's why going to any kind of After Party wasn't too great of an idea so soon after they had done a Three Hour Concert. All Marley could think about was Showering and Sleeping and she could tell that her Sister is very exhausted to. The Hotel Room has two Beds in it but the two Sisters liked sharing a Bed so they could have late at Night talks.

Normally Marley would check her Phone Messages but since she was tired she just charged up her Phone and got ready for Bed.She just didn't feel like dealing with Social Media right now she had updated Instagram and twitter with behind the Scenes pictures several Days ago. Before they went to sleep, Taylor suggested they could go out Shopping and have Lunch together with they're Mom. Marley smiled hearing that Taylor already had a fun filled day for them tomorrow and Marley looked forward to that. "Shopping tomorrow sounds like fun and I'm glad it will be just us three".

Luckily the next Day we had plenty of time to go Shopping since Rehearsals for the next Days Show was at 4 pm. We woke up around 11 am the next Day and got ready to leave the Hotel waiting for Greg to drive us in the Black SUV. I was relieved that Tina was not with Mom and just like Taylor had said it would be just us Swift Women going Shopping and enjoying the Day. It didn't take us long to get ready and soon we left in the Black SUV.

The three of us stopped a local Mall it wasn't so bad today when we got there most of the People who greeted us were pleasant and we ran into some Fans who were attending the Concert tonight. Some of them even said they loved seeing both me and Taylor onstage singing together and they are thrilled that we are Sisters. After posing for some Pics and singing some CDs for them, we went about our Day Shopping. Taylor took me and Mom to Bloomingdales, The Gap, Urban Outfitters, And Brandy  Melville once there we picked out Outfits and Jewelry really liked.

We picked out more Outfits for Home and some more outfits for our Date Nights. I got some more Makeup, and soon we were at the Food Court. It was tempting to get one of those free Mall Makeovers but I reminded my Mom and my Sister the Mall often gives horrible Makeovers because I had gotten a horrible one one year for my Birthday and it took awhile to get it all off. I told them I remember crying when I got the Makeover.

We stopped at a Restaurant in the Food Court Section I picked out Chick Fil A because Chicken or Turkey is about the only thing that doesn't upset my Stomach before a Concert and Taylor thought that was a good choice. Taylor got herself Chicken Tenders and Mac And Cheese and wanting something that didn't upset my stomach, I chose the same thing that she did and our Mother wanted one of they're Salads. We had a very pleasant Lunch and it was a nice Family outing.

At Three-Thirty we left the Mall to go drop off our Bags at the Hotel we were staying at. Then we left to go to the Stadium to do Rehearsals for Tonight's Show. Taylor is already excited about singing onstage again she's trying to rest up her voice. During Rehearsal we always sing a different Song just to make sure that everything is working as it should. We then had a couple Hours to go do what we wanted Backstage. Dinner time was at Five so you either ate something then or you waited til later to eat something and there wasn't very many places open late at Night.

Since we had Lunch earlier that day we just had something lighter around Five. I chose a Turkey Blt Wrap and had some Cheddar Chips with it. The Day started out normal like any other after I ate then went to the Bathroom I was supposed to head to Makeup Department about Six and I thought I heard someone enter the Bathroom then leave odd, if it was anyone I knew they would have said something.

I heard something running in the Bathroom and saw one of the pipes had been Busted under the sink oh great now I can't wash my hands. Water gushed everywhere on the Floor I had to get out of there I literally have had Nightmares where I'm locked in a Bathroom and the Water keeps filling up higher until I can't see or hear anything at all then Blackness.

My Heart beating in my chest I went to the Door and tried to open it somehow it was locked! I couldn't get out! Don't panic Marley just try to contact Tay or your Parents and you'll get through this. I then went to where I contact Taylor we always texted each other or called each other . When I tried to message her the messages wouldn't go through it would come back read Failed to Send. The water was filling up fast on the Floor I had to get somewhere Higher I climbed up on the Sink luckily it had a sturdy Counter top I tried once again reaching Taylor or my Parents no signal.

I looked up to see how high the Window was off the Ground the Ground was very Far below there's no way I could jump that high and get to Makeup that time. I panicked my Nightmare was coming true this is how I'm going to die I'm going to Drown and no one will know that I'm missing. Marley refused to give up so she started Screaming loud for anyone to hear her "Somebody help me! I'm locked in the Bathroom! There's Water filling up everywhere! A Pipes Busted!!" Marley knew that everyone was going to be too busy to hear her Screams of distress.

Remembering the Butterfly Necklace Taylor gave her on their Birthday is still around her Neck, Marley remembered that Taylor said there was a Transmitter/Tracking Device that if she ever needed Taylor in an emergency or if she were in trouble, that Marley could use it to alert her and she would come no matter how busy she was. Marley grabbed the Necklace with trembling hands she hoped her Sister had the Tracking Device on her to as well otherwise she is screwed.

She pressed the Button three times alerting her Sister and still screaming for help how come no one was hearing her Screams? Not being careful about what she's doing on the Counter top Marley's foot slipped on some water causing her to get off balance and Marley started to fall into the Water below.

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