Tina gets Fired

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Marleys Pov:

We had Breakfast earlier that Morning around Ten and afterwards, I had brushed my teeth, my Hair and when I came back I found Taylor on the phone with our Mom and Dad."I really do think Mars needs Security of her own Mom. She needs them to protect her at all times we can't risk anything happening to her again like years ago. I want her to always be safe even when I can't always be with her like when me and Travis go on Dates." After a few more minutes on the phone Taylor ended the conversation and looked at me.

"Just got through talking to Mom, Dad, and Tree and you should have Security Guards by this Afternoon. I want you to be safe Mars at all times never go any where alone without them." Even though Tree wasn't Taylor's Publicist at the moment, she still works as one of Taylor's Staff Members that's Taylor Nation. Our Parents are Taylor Nation Staff to. I nodded at what my Sister had said after what happened to me in that Bathroom I didn't ever want to be alone ever again just the thought of being alone terrified me.

Taylor joined me on the Sofa in front of the TV. We had decided to just have a relaxing Day not being real Busy with anything. It was a good thing we had a few days off before Flying to Sydney. I was so lost in my own thoughts that I had barely noticed Taylor looking at me with concern in her eyes. I could tell that she was worried about me who wouldn't be worried? When their own Sister is a real life Damsel in Distress who can't seem to stay out of trouble. Taylor scooted over to me to get closer to me and wrapped me in a big hug and I leaned against her chest as she kept hugging me tighter.

"Your going to be alright Mars. I know it doesn't feel like that now but your going to be alright. Know how I know? Because your the strongest person that I know and you have literally been through soooo much. I know there's a lot of negative thoughts going through your head. But no matter what happens you won't ever be a Burden to me or our Parents I can promise you that.We are going to find out who did this to you."said Taylor trying to cheer me up. "But don't worry about Tina the rest of the Day, she's not going to be hanging around us and what almost happened in the Bathroom will be investigated".

Marley looked at her Sister as she talked to her about what had almost happened.She couldn't believe how much she had in common with her Sister they had a lot in common. Both are Songwriters,Singers,and had crazy Ex Boyfriends. And they had similar Hobbies to that they liked. They both loved the color Purple. The only difference was that Taylor learned Guitar from an early age and Marley was still learning to play Guitar. She didn't get going on Stage experience until she was in High School and had joined a Group of Singers called New Directions they did Covers and won Competitions at Nationals.

Marley appreciated her Sister trying to cheer her up and telling her she's safe long as she's around.Having this talk with her really helped they both watched some Tv until Taylor heard back from her Parents. Taylor tried to urge Marley that they should go out and do something it would help take Marley's mind off of she suggested they could go Shopping and do some Sight Seeing that was the fun part about Touring they didn't have to stay up in their Hotels. Marley thought that sounded fun she didn't want to be up here moping all day and sulking when she could go out and live Life.

"We can also have Dinner out today and I have made Reservations at a local Italian Restaurant we can go out with Mom, Dad, and Tree and the new Publicist won't even be around! It'll do you some good to go out Mars and we will have loads of Fun!".just then Taylor got another Phone Call "Excuse me while I take this". Marley nodded wondering what the call could be about. Taylor's face expression turned serious at first talking to the person on the other end then her face expression turned angry and she said "So Tina Davis is the one that tried to kill my Sister in the Bathroom!I am soooo going to fire her! "

Marley listened as Taylor kept talking on the phone then soon hanged up. Her hands were balled into tight fists. "That was the People who investigated what happened in the Bathroom and Tree. They said they found evidence Tina's Hand prints that she was the one who tried to have you killed. You were right all along Mars I just wanted to see the good in Tina that wasn't even there.I should have listened to your suspicions.Now Im going to text Tina to come here and Im going to talk to her and fire her. If you don't want to be here when she is here you can go get ready in the Bathroom".

Really soon Tina came to Taylor and Marley Hotel Room. Taylor hated Fireing anyone on her Team. But when somebody tries to hurt one of her Family Members or go as far as trying to kill them she will not tolerate any of that. Taylor paced the room back and forth waiting on Tina to get there. Tina arrives as soon as Taylor asks her to and wonders what her Boss could be wanting to talk to her about. Tina was starting her Day out as a normal Day and didn't realize she was about to be caught for her Evil doings.

Tina was let inside the Hotel Room. Taylor's Hotel room is a big huge Suite, and she sat down on one of the Sofas. Taylor finally just wanted to get this over with. "I just got an important Phone Call about you Tina. What happened to Marley had been Investigated your Finger Prints were found on the Pipes that Busted and they also found a Crow Bar that you thought you threw away it also had your Finger Prints on it. I can't believe that you tried to kill my Sister the way you did!!!!" Taylor started yelling at her.

Marley listened to what was going on by opening the Bathroom door just a crack. She was just Brushing her hair and styling it and applying Makeup. She couldn't help but wonder how the Fireing would go so she had to listen in. Tina had tried to find words to explain her actions but she had failed and Taylor wasn't listening to anything she said.

"I don't care about your explanations! My God Tina!!!! How could you do this to me, my Family, and most of all to Marley who hasn't done anything to you! I had trusted you in the beginning and tried to give you a Job so that you could meet your College Funds! You knew how important Marley was to me and my Family and yet you still saw her as some threat to you!!!This is unacceptable behavior of a Publicist!"

Tina just stood there listening to Taylor go off on her she was really angry as she kept yelling at Tina for what she had done to Marley. Tina didn't really say anything just sat there and listened to Taylor " I never really liked Marley. She's too much of a goody two shoes and she had everything that I've always wanted. A Hot Boyfriend, a Background Singer Job and I just got really Jealous. I've never had things just handed to me. I was lucky to get this job as your Publicist because before I was working a crappy job selling Merchandise. I just wanted everything she had and was going to do whatever I could to get it".

Taylor glared at her "It doesn't matter that you were jealous of Marley. What you did was terrible and I'm going to definitely press some Serious Charges against you and so is Marley. You had so much potential in the beginning as my Publicist it's such a shame you threw it all away over being jealous of my Sister."What you did to my Sister was unforgivable. You will be charged for Attempted Murder ".

Just then two Police Officers that worked for Taylor came in the Hotel Room. Tina tried to plead with Taylor to give her another chance and said that her behavior is wrong. Taylor looked at the Police "Get her out of my Sight. Tina as of now your Fired and no longer my Publicist". Taylor had the Angry expression still on her face. "And make sure that she gets charged for Attempted Murder!"she yells at the Police. Soon Tina Davis is out of their lives.

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