Beach Pranks

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Marleys Pov:

We spent most of the Day at the Beach. It is so much fun going to one of Taylor's Beaches it was just us at the Beach and not many People bothered you. People in Hawaii were familiar with Taylor because she was their Neighbor and her Neighbors that she knew were welcomed to have access to the Beach.

Me and Taylor worked on our Tans for awhile as we listened to a Radio Station on my CD Player BoomBox. Above us, Seagulls flew overhead making their usual Seagull Sounds and wanting to be fed. I ended up feeding them some of our Cheddar Bugles when I tossed some to the Ground, a bunch of them came making a bunch of noise Brian took a picture of me feeding them some of our Snack.

Once I had enough of Diet Mountain Dew Soda, I looked over at my Sister who appeared to be catching a nap and some Sun Rays, I smirked at Brian and Travis telling them to watch this. I grabbed some Ice out of my Drink dropped it down in my Sister's top and let out a huge Burp which woke her with a start both Travis and Brian cracked up laughing. Taylor woke with a start yelping at how cold the Ice is that I had dropped in the top of her Bathing suit "Mars!!! How dare you to do something like this to me and you know I was sleeping!"

I had no choice but to laugh so hard Taylor is funny when she finds out she's been pranked. Her Intereaction is priceless Brian had filmed the whole thing on my phone because I wanted it posted on Social Media "Relax Taylor, at least I didn't put a Sea Urchin on you those are way more scarier". I hadn't forgotten the Guys who were laughing their heads off finding Taylor's reaction was funny.

For the Guy's Prank, I had already planned things. Earlier I had put some Butter and Oil on their Surf Boards so it would make it a lot harder for them to try Surfing on them later.Sure enough they had trouble Surfing while out on the Water and kept falling off into the Water and getting soaked. Taylor saw the smirk on my face and knew I had done something to the Surfboards. "Mars, what did you do to their Surf Boards?!"

I laughed out loud like a crazed Maniac. "Oh I might have accidently dropped some Butter and Oil on their Surf Boards. I thought I had wiped them off but looks like some of it is still on. Don't tell the Guys what I did to them ok?" I pleaded with my Sister I loved doing Pranks and this was my way of having fun. My Sister crossed her arms trying to look serious but she winded up laughing about it to finding the whole thing funny.

The Guys came towards us moments later, Soaking wet and they put down their Boards frustratingly. "What's wrong Guys?" Taylor asked pretending to not know what's going on. Travis frustratingly says "Somebody put Butter and Oil on our Surf Boards and we had a hard time staying on top of the Surf Board we kept falling off of it". Marley pretended to be distracted by her Watercolor Painting she was working on but she smirked up on hearing Travis talking about it.

I spoke up "Guys, that stuff is easy to clean off with a Washcloth and some good Soap you can go back to Surfing tomorrow it's not the end of the World". She goes back to doing her Watercolor Painting Marley was drawing a Painting of the Beach they were on and on its Shoreline she drew them walking along the Beach. Marley had on her Neutral face expression not showing the Guys any sign that she had been behind with messing up their Surf Boards.

The rest of the Day went perfectly. They spent the whole day on the Beach and Marley and Taylor took more Selfies together and another with their Boyfriends. Earlier they had made Ham and Turkey sandwiches to eat. This is one of the best Vacations Marley has ever been on.

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