Remembering Brian

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Taylor's Pov:

It was terrible that Brian had suddenly passed on. He had only been with my Band for about a Month and everyone involved with the Eras Tour could see how in love Brian and Marley was, they were the perfect Couple who were deeply in love. And Brian would literally do anything for Marley.

A lot of People showed up for Brian's Funeral my entire Band including the Dancers even Travis and his Brother showed up for support. I sat up front with Marley and our Mom and Dad. I didn't want to leave Marley to go sit with Travis because Marley was still mourning Brian she kept crying even before the Funeral started.

I remained where I was so that I could be there to comfort Marley she had been torn up all to pieces when she saw the Engagement Ring that Melissa have given her. Somehow it had managed to survive the Car Wreckage and they had it cleaned it was still in its Pouch at Home in Marleys Jewelry Box on her Nightstand. I was surprised by the Ring I knew Brian was seriously in love with her but had no idea he planned on Proposing and it looked like he was going to Propose to her in one of the upcoming Shows of mine.

And now back to reality. Back to Brian's Funeral since there was nothing but Ashes found at the Crime Scene along with the rest of his remains Brian's other remains were Cremated and put into a Gold Urn that sat on a Table in front of us and there was a big Photo Canvas of Brian and everyone got to put up a favorite Memory they had of him. Marley and I put up Photos there as well including one of Him Auditioning with my Band.

This was going to be a big loss for Marley to move on and to get passed through. But me and our Parents are going to help her through it, our Brother, Tree, and the Rest of The Band we are all here to be there for Marley no matter the time of Day or what she needs we would be her comfort and safe place to be.The Ceremony was about an Hour and Half with some People given Speeches about how long they have known Brian.

I nudged Marley and whispered if she wanted to go give a Speech I would go with her and we could both give a Speech about Brian even if it was a Short one. Even if Marley didn't want to give a Speech, I completely understood she was an emotional mess still so I just decided to go up and give a Speech for on Behalf of both of us.

"I hadn't known Brian for too long like some of you have and some of you have such wonderful Memories of him. I've only known him for a Few months for as long as he has Dated Marley really. He went on Vacation with Marley and us recently. Brian was a wonderful Man and will be missed deeply. Brian had been in my Band only a couple Months and he was one heck of a Guitarist and Talented Singer who would even do Backing Vocals. It hadn't taken him long to be Trained on the Eras Tour he learned everything he possibly could. "

I paused looking over at Marley "He also was very much in Love with my Sister so much in Love he had been on his way to Propose at one of my Shows. Marley is too overwhelmed with Grief right now and is unable to give a Speech but she loved Brian with all her Heart and I can tell that this loss is going to be hard on her.

An Hour later we had joined His Sister and Mother as they wanted to go scatter Brian's remains out into the Ocean. We stopped at a look out point and I parked my Car Eddy one of my Security Guards is with us. He joined us outside to keep any other People away. Some People liked to hold their loved one's Ashes close to them even after Death. But Marley said that Brian would want this instead of ending up on Somebody's Mantle.

The Four of us went towards the lookout Point and each of us spreaded out Brian's Ashes out to the Ocean each taking a turn until there was no more Ashes left. We watched as the Ashes formed a Grey like Cloud and then scattered into the Ocean below. Melissa closed the Urn and put it in her Car she thanked us for coming to the Funeral and hoped we would still be in touch and we promised we will.

Getting back over to my Car I let Marley in and my Security Guards took over Driving. All Marley had now was the huge Portrait of Brian and the Photos people shared of him. I hugged Marley close to me and reassured her everything is going to be alright and that she will find another Love that will last a Lifetime.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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