The Fall Out

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Marley's Pov:

The following Morning, Marley went downstairs to help Taylor make Breakfast. Austin was trying to keep to himself standing in front of Tay's Sliding Glass Mirror Doors and staring out into the Ocean wondering to himself how could  he have been so stupid to not see that Sydney wasn't a really good Person.

Marley knew how he felt he must be so Heartbroken over her she felt the same way when she had broken things off with her Ex Josh she had with-drew from things she normally enjoyed doing and didn't even even go anywhere to do anything fun for about a Month. Maybe they should do something to try to cheer him up what did it  for Marley was thinking that this should be his Day to do what he wanted to do. And she explained this to Taylor.

"I think we should try to cheer Austin up do what he wants to do today eat his favorite Foods and have him pick what he wants to watch tonight. It could help him cheer up even if it's just some and maybe we could Bake him a Cake that he likes? Comfort Food always helped me when I was feeling down".suggested Marley keeping an eye out for her Brother.

Taylor smiled at Marley "That sounds like a great idea. We can definitely do that for him though I wouldn't try pushing things on him or anything just let him know if he needs to talk to us about anything we are here and so is Mom, Dad and Travis and Brian". Marley could tell that Taylor's heart broke for their Brother by the way she is concerned for him she nodded agreeing with her Sister.

At Breakfast they ate together as a Family at Taylor's long Kitchen Table. Both Brian and Marley sat across from Travis and Taylor so it would be easier to talk with them and their Parents sat across from Austin. They tried to figure out what to do for the rest of the Day to keep themselves occupied and Andrea is the first to speak up "I was thinking we should all go out to eat tonight together as a Family we don't get to do things like that often when it's all of us together".

Taylor exchanged a look with Marley as our Mom suggested to this "We don't mind doing that long as it's okay with Austin and that he can choose where we can all go eat  at". She says looking at her Brother who suddenly looked surprised that he could go pick somewhere to eat out. He didn't say too much about that except just shrugged his shoulders and picked through his Food "Sounds good to me I guess".

Marley knew that going out to eat together as a Family would do Austin some good. He needed to be around those that supported and loved him even when he was down in the dumps. She felt really bad for him that Sydney had done this to him made him feel really lousy and so down in the dumps that he had to think up a response to tell them. But going out and doing Family things should get him to feeling better.

They finished eating Breakfast that consisted of Scrambled Eggs, Sausage and Bacon and Toast and went upstairs to change into regular Sight Seeing Clothes. Taylor had mentioned that there was awesome Tourist Shops close by that had great Souvenirs and she wanted us to go check it out.

They went in Two separate Vehicles together. Then they drove to the nearest Town and began looking in the Tourist Shops to pass the time before Dinner. Taylor Showed Marley a bunch of things she knew that she would like and Marley had gotten her some things there that was Souvenirs. Going in the Shops did keep Austin occupied as he liked looking at different things.

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