Sydney becomes a problem

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Marley's Pov:

The next Night is Family Night at Tay's Beach Mansion we were all relaxed and having a Seafood Dinner and our Boyfriends is with us and of course Sydney is with Austin. The past couple Days me and Taylor had decided that we didn't like Sydney at all and expressed our concerns to our Boyfriends and to our Parents.

But talking to them didn't seem to help much. They said that Austin will see right through her himself if he spotted anything shady happening with her. Our Parents didn't like her either but couldn't split the two of them up. Our Mom said if she's Toxic the Relationship will run it's course and Austin would break it off with her.

So we tried to not intervene the rest of the Evening and have Game Night after Dinner but me and Taylor couldn't help but notice that Sydney had stayed on her phone texting to somebody throughout the whole Evening and barely acknowledged us or Austin. I couldn't help wonder who she was texting the whole time? Was it one person? Was it different people? Marley was beginning to think something wasn't right about this Girl and Taylor thought so to because they would exchange looks but they couldn't say anything in front of the Girl.

The Evening winded down and soon it was time for everyone to go to their rooms. Both Travis and Brian shared a Room while Marley and Taylor shared another "I can't believe how rude she is being on that Phone the whole time and not even acknowledging anybody or her Boyfriend! That makes me so mad! How can Austin not see that?"

Taylor closed the Door and locked it so we can have a private conversation "I know right? That Girl makes me so mad to and she's a stuck up snob who doesn't deserve our Brother. I know we can't say anything right now but that doesn't mean that we can't snoop some and try to get a hold of her phone somehow and find out who she messaging to. "

Marley gave her Sister a surprise look that she even mentioned snooping around on her Brother's Girlfriend's phone "Won't that make Austin really mad though, us sneaking around to look at his Girlfriend's phone? He might not like us doing that and could get mad at us. I don't know about you but I don't feel comfortable snooping. I say we should let things run it's course and don't intervene but keep an eye out on things in case things go South".

Taylor nodded her Sister made a good point. She didn't like the Idea of snooping on her own Brother especially when they got along so good with each other and letting some girl come between them didn't set right with Taylor. She then looks at Marley "But I want to say something so badly to her like it's rude to constantly be on your phone while you have company over or if your visiting your Boyfriend or his Family. But if we speak out about something we could get in trouble".

Marley sighed frustratedly wishing they could do something about this Girl "I want him to be happily in love with someone but I want that somebody to give him complete and full attention. Just like our Men do to us. He's gotta wake up soon and see how she's treating him and our Family."

As if on cue both of us heard an argument break out with Austin and his Girlfriend right in the Hallway not far from our Door Austin's voice got very loud "I can't believe you were texting to some other Guy throughout my Family's Dinner! And it's your Ex Boyfriend! That's showing Disrespect towards me and my Family!" His voice got louder as he spoke to her.

Sydney began to get loud to only she didn't see the wrong in her actions. "I can do whatever I want to do . You and your Family do not control me or control my Life. My Ex wants me to give him another chance and I think that I will I know I definitely do not want to be around here much longer". She angrily got her things and left Taylor's House and got into a Uber "Goodbye Austin have a nice life". She slammed the Door and then was gone.

After a moment of silence, me and Taylor looked at each other thankfully we didn't have to do anything or interfere. We chose to give Austin some space that Night we knew our Brother wouldn't be in the mood for company tonight or some of us telling him I told you so about her.

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