Brian's Funeral Plans

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Marleys Pov:

When I awoke the next Morning everything felt like a horrible Nightmare what I had heard last Night but the very next Morning everything came flooding back. I had gone to bed early and somebody was it Mom or Dad? Had giving me some kind of Medicine that made me fall asleep I refused to eat Dinner last Night and went straight to bed it was close to Eleven when I started to wake up.

Coming into the Living room Area I heard voices. Tree had come by to check up on me to see how I was holding up. My Mom and Taylor filled her in on what had happened to Brian. I went into the Kitchen because I didn't want everyone feeling sorry for me or throwing me a Pity Party and I tried to Act normal going into the Kitchen looking for something to drink. I hadn't Showered last Night and my Hair was a mess and I was still in my Pj's that Taylor had to practically get me into last Night.

Taylor had gone into full Big Sister Mode and had been looking after me ever since last Night. She had been the one to carry me upstairs to Bed even when I didn't want to go to bed and had been the one to help me change into my Pj's because I was so out of it from the Medicine Mom had given me. It had made me sleep throughout the Evening and way into Eleven am the next Day.

Andrea explained to Tree what had happened and Tree had just heard about it on the News late last Night but the News wouldn't go in full Detail just yet. "Awful, and he's only been with Taylor's Band a couple Months to and was Dating Marley. I feel so bad for her I just wish there was something I could do". Andrea looked at Tree "Right now, Taylor is in the Kitchen with her and trying to get her to eat something she hasn't eaten anything since last Night we don't want her to Faint or anything and we are worried".

Taylor walked into the Kitchen hearing that Marley up and finds her Fraternal Twin Sister sipping some Drink and just starting off into Space at nothing except starring towards her Counter Top thinking about what had happened the Night before and Taylor could see that everything was weighing on her Sister's Mind she reached over to take her hand in hers and gave her a hug. "How are you feeling Kiddo?" She saw her Sister give her a look "Okay, still saddened and shocked over last Night? Mars, you need to eat something and pull yourself together, Brian's Mom and Sister is going to be over soon and going to discuss plans for Brian's Funeral.You need your strength. How bout I make us some Brunch huh? We can have Stuffed Omelettes your favorite and Mom and Tree can join us".

Marley managed to nod at Taylor as she said this the last thing Marley wanted to do was have a Fainting Spell at Brian's Funeral.She did wake up this Morning and completely forgot that Brian's Mom and Sister was coming to discuss Funeral Arrangements. That word sounded awful in Marley's Mind just days ago Brian was telling her that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. He had planned on moving in with them in Travis and Taylor's Mansion in Missouri and they could live there until Brian could find them a Mansion that's really close to Taylor that they could practically be Neighbors. Brian was serious about wanting to start a Family with Marley and had discussed plans of Proposing to her if that was ok with her.

But now they wouldn't get to do none of that. Marley just couldn't believe he was gone she kept expecting her Phone to Ring but it just laid there and it didn't start Ringing. She watched Taylor fix them Brunch at the Stove she made her delicious Stuffed Omelets with Peppers, Mushrooms,Cheese, Sausage, Hash Browns and other yummy stuff that Marley loves she added Jalapenos in it after she cut them up. She also Fried up some Onions she fixed enough Stuffed Omelets for the Six of them Travis hadn't yet gotten up he must be sleeping in to thought Taylor. She finished Cooking the Stuffed Omelets and added Bacon on the side.

Around close to Twelve the Swifts, Travis and Tree all sat down to have Breakfast together. The Breakfast tasted really good to not worry her Family more, Marley ate her Breakfast surprised that she actually had an Appetite well she should since she barely had anything last Night. They had discussed The Tour and other Business Topics at the Table but Marley's mind drifted and tuned everything out. When they wanted her opinion on something, Marleys eyes grew wide clueless at what they were saying "I um I don't really know anything right now, think I'm going to get some Air".

Getting some Air would have to be out on the Back Porch Paparazzi was known for stalking Travis and Taylor even if they decided to go and get the Mail they would wind up being mobbed by the Paps and Marley didn't feel like dealing with the Paps today she didn't want to answer any questions today all the questions that kept going through her head was why did Brian get in his Friend's Car if he knew he drove recklessly? She thought Brian was Smart and real Level Headed. If he would have called another Friend who wasn't a Street Racer, and could drive good Brian might be having Brunch today with them instead of them planning his Funeral.

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