waiting and conclusions

25 7 3

" please sit down , you're making me dizzy "
Teri said .

When Suga had had the idea to replace Teri with a look a like it had been manic. Phone calls left right and center,  but once it had all been arranged Teri had been left sitting quietly , waiting, praying , not knowing exactly what had been planned.  And Suga had taken to pacing back and forth in the room , phone in hand, he would check it every couple of seconds .

He looked up at her as she spoke and took in her pale face and tired look. He stopped pacing and came and sat next to her , wrapping his arm around her and pulling her in. " sorry babe....it will all be alright , its almost over "

His other hand had been rubbing hers but he stopped when his phone rang . Answering, Teri heard " what ? ..  OK...is he alright ? ...ill compensate him well .....keep me updated ..."

She sat up " whats happened ?"

" your stand in got hurt but he'll be alright and that man has tried to get away and they're currently following him in their cars .

They don't want to chase him down because there's a lot of traffic on the road and they're worried they'll cause an accident."

Teri started to cry " this is all my fault , you should have let me go , now some one has got hurt because of me and what if more get hurt on the road ?"

Panic and pain where clear in her voice .

He went over to her and squatted in front of her , taking her cold hands in his  " not your fault !" " He emphasised " it's all his . " he practically spat out the last word in disgust .

His phone rang again and they both jumped , he answered immediately and his eyes locked onto Teri's...a feeling of foreboding came over her as she waiting for him to get off the phone .


It was dark and there was pain everywhere , he tried to move but one of his arms seemed to be caught on something...he brought his other hand up to his face and felt material, all over .

He tried to talk or moan or somthing but couldn't. Panic hit his chest like a lead weight and he tried to take the material off , a feeling of claustrophobia washing over him.

A hand reached out and stopped him though, and for just a second he felt the comfort of not being alone and then he heard her voice !!

" I wouldn't do that if I were you " she said ..

The confusion and panic was back , why was she there , how ? What ? What happened ? He tried to recall the events that had brought him here ...the car chase !! He'd had an accident,  at a guess , he didn't really remember but an accident made sense ....Teri being here didn't..

She spoke again " I wanted to be here when you woke up , but only to tell you you'll never see me again, and you'll never threaten me or my loved ones again" there was an emotion in her voice he couldn't quite recognise..he heard her say something quietly to some one else  , so clearly she wasn't alone .

He tried to move his other hand again but she said " its a handcuff "

Maybe it was lack of emotion he was picking up on in her voice , there didn't seem to be any fear or sadness , emotions he was used to evoking from her ' Well we shall see how long she stays so brave ' he thought.  He wished he could tell her exactly what he was going to do once out of this predicament but his mouth didn't seem to want to work .

In his frustration he managed a grunt noise and he heard footsteps of someone approaching the side of the bed , then he heard a voice..not hers ..in his ear

" you should have stayed in the Philippines. . Tut tut tut , I hope in prison they allow you to have a very large mirror in your cell "

He heard the males voice say come on babe and then the door to the room was shut .


Once in the hospital corridor Teri's legs almost have way and Suga had to hold her up .

He nodded to the policeman who was standing guard at the door and thanked him before steering Teri down to a private waiting room.

Once she was sat down he took in her glazed look ..." I knew I shouldn't have let you come !" He said , cross with himself for giving in to her demands ..

She slowly shook her head " I had to see him , I had to take back my power that he had over me ....but I must admit it was a lot harder than I thought it would be "

A single tear dropped onto her cheek and Suga rushed forward to wipe it with his thumb. 

" why are you crying ? " he asked , some what confused.

She gave a little smile and wiped at her other eye " don't worry I'm not crying for him " she sniffed and then continued " I think its a combination of adrenaline and relief,  I cant believe it's over "

He hugged her tightly " he won't see the outside of a prison cell for a very very long time , no one will ever hurt you again , I swear "

Once he was sure she could walk ,Suga with mask , glasses and bucket hat on , took her home.


It had been what seemed like hours since Teri had left , the pain was excruciating,  his face felt like it was on fire,  and that boyfriend of hers... his words where starting to worry him ..why would he need a mirror ? In prison ? ..he rattled his locked up wrist again..OK to prison did seem like a probability , but the mirror,  the mirror confused him.

He heard the door to his room open again and he held his breath, he felt surprisingly vulnerable on the hospital bed.

He couldn't see , he was on his back and couldn't move one arm , he wanted to curl into a fetal position and protect himself but couldn't.

He heard a chair pull up beside him .

" Song geom-eun gae . I'm your attending physician Doctor Kim Sung Sik.

You have been in a car accident and you're very lucky to be alive, considering you didnt wear a seatbelt , and you endangered other drivers ... but still I have a job to do so I did it "

He could hear disgust in the doctors words,  but then the doctor continued ..

"You went through the windscreen face first .I'm afraid you have lost your right eye completely and your left is damaged so as of yet we are unsure of how much sight you'll retain. "
Geom-eun gae barely had time to register the words over the doctors blasé speech before he heard more...

"You bit the tip of your tongue off so speech will have to be re taught and you got glass in your cheek. We have sewn you up best we can, but you don't have insurance and are headed to prison so we only have a duty of care to keep you alive, so I'm afraid you'll have quite a big scar on your face.

You had some internal bleeding but we've fixed that , so once your face is healed you'll be escorted to jail and will await trial I believe."

And then the voice was gone and he was left alone in his darkness..a darkness that threatened to swallow him whole as the real weight of the doctors words sunk in.

Suga  A backstage RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now