anything for love

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With her legs feeling like lead she wiped her tears. She now had 15 minutes to get to the meeting point , 15 minutes until life as she knew it was over. If he hurt Suga she knew she would kill him . Simple . Life in prison wouldn't matter because she'd be dead inside any way.

She grabbed her keys , phone , and bank book and stamp , he hadn't asked for it but maybe , just maybe she had enough to get rid of him and get Suga home.

With her head down she walked to the lift and waited . Fighting back the tears and bile that was threatening to come up.

Ding, went the lift and then " Teri?"
She jumped and looked up , happiness flooded her body , her Suga was looking at her questioningly " where are you going ?" He asked stepping out the lift .

She threw herself at him and he barely had time to catch her before she was sobbing in his arms .

Confused he looked up and down the hall way for possible answers . " babe ? What's wrong? " He asked rubbing the back of her head and wrapping his free arm around her .

" I.. I...thought he had you ?"

" what ?" He asked not sure he understood what she was saying ...she didn't answer so gently but firmly he detangled himself from her and said " tell me what happened .

With the initial shock having subsided a little she managed " he told me he had you ...I was .. "

Realisation hit first then anger " you was what ? ! Going to see him ? " he noticed her bank book and he almost knocked it out of her hand , but managrs last minute to just shove it inatead " give him all your money ?! "

He couldn't believe she'd be that stupid " I looked for help !" She pleaded " I tried ringing you too but no one was here " she knew her actions were foolish but when it came to Suga she could and would do anything to keep him safe ... even face that man..

He could see the flare of defience and hurt in her eyes , and understanding dawned ...yes he too would do anything for her he acknowledged , he put his hand in his pocket and pulled out his phone , sure enough there where missed calls from her . Guiltily he pulled her in again " I'm sorry , so sorry , we where shooting, our phones go on silent out of habit "

She let him hold her for a moment and then she pushed him off her , " we can get him if we're quick " she said , urgency in her words .

" how ?" He asked ,

" I know where he will be in 10 minutes ? "
He quickly opened his phone and rang security , she told him quickly the address of the cafe and waited as Suga gave instructions .

Once his phone was shut it occurred to him that they where still in the hallway so he quickly ushered her into his room.

" we waisted so much time " she said " I should ring him and let him know I'm going to be late. " she pulled her phone out but he grabbed it quickly . " I don't want you to have to have anything to do with him "

She stood up and took her phone back , " this is our chance ,in fact we should use me " she said excitedly, like using her as bait was the beat idea she had ever had ..
Suga vehemently shook his head but she continued " if I know you guys are with me I can be brave if it means he leaves us alone. What exactly can your guys do even if they find him. Report him for what ? messaging me ,? implying he had you or at least letting me believe he had you !? .." she could feel herself getting worked up again , the roller coaster of emotions she'd gone through in the last few minutes was enough to make her feel sea sick , but she was right , she knew it ...they had no proof that he had done anything wrong, nothing even if he had photos of the two of them that still wasn't enough to even get him arrested.

" I have to stall him and I have to meet him " the last words she spoken quietly Suga had gone visibly white and was just shaking his head waiting for her to take a breath before speaking " absolutely not , no , no way , never in a million years !"

He only just stopped himself from locking the front door he was so scared right now , scared of what she would do for him.

Just then Teri's phone rang and in her panic she dropped it , but Sugas fast reactions caught it . " is this him ? " he growled, prepared to answer and lose his shit at this man .

She looked at the screen and grabbed it back and answered before he could even react. She put her finger out to sssh him and answered "hello "

Inside she was like jelly , her legs wanted to give way and her heart thumped a million miles an hour....
" where the fuck are you ?!" Screamed the man down the phone . She made her voice sound breathy , aware of Sugas glare she turned slightly so she wasn't facing him " I'm almost there, I'm trying to lose the security guards but they're good at their job. "

There was a pause and she guessed he was processing the fact she must still think he had Suga. To keep up thw ruse she asked ." can I speak with Suga now please " she made her voice sound desperate and pleading and she thought she heard a chuckle....God she wanted to punch that man so much .

" you'll speak to him when I take you to him , you better not be fucking with me and hurry the hell up , I don't have all day !"

The line went dead and she slowly turned to look at Suga

" have you lost your fucking mind ? " his voice raised and she flinched , she knew he was angry and compared to what she was potentially about to do his anger didn't scare her ...more made her feel sorry she was upsetting him.

She put her hand on his arm but he shook it off , his mind working over time . His men should be in place soon, and sure enough he got a txt notification saying they had found him and were watching him.

He looked at this women he had fallen in love with, damaged , scarred , fiesty, beautiful, kind , generous and loving , he loved her so much , but right now he was so angry ...even though he knew with out a shadow of a doubt that if it was her that was being threatened he would be just the way that man was getting near her ever again .!

It was as he was looking at her he suddenly had a thought. He had always seen her as a women , but others saw her as a man ...he picked up his phone and spoke quickly and softly to someone before hanging up .

Suga  A backstage RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now