Chapter 1

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"Keefe!" I screech bolting upright. "Why are we in the same bed?"

Keefe sits up so fast he nearly hits his head. "What!" He smirks

"Keefe this isn't funny!" I scold

"Mommy? Daddy?" A little girls voice says. Both Keefe and I look at the door to see a 4 year old standing there holding a stuffed unicorn.

I whip my head around but the only people there are me, Keefe and the child. I point to my chest. "Me?"

The girl laughs. "Yes silly! Your mommy, he's daddy!"

"That's right!" Keefe yells shooting me a go-with-it-look.

"Mhm what's the matter honey?" I ask.

"Me and Kenric want breakfast!" She says with a grin. I yelp. my kid is named Kenric? "We will be there soon!"

The girl leaves and I turn to Keefe. "What's going on!"

"I don't know. But by the seems of it-" he stops. "Why are you so old?"

"What do you mean?" I rush out of bed to the mirror and gasp. "I look about 37! AND WHY AM I PREGNANT!?!"

Keefe runs in and his face pales. "Oh my gosh you are pregnant.. and if we're married... I'm the dad..."

My face pales as well. "I'm not able to be a mom! What were we thinking?!?"


"Don't answer that question" I tell him. "We have to pretend everything is normal. We're married and we have two kids a third on the way... I look about seven months pregnant..."

"Yep. Everything is normal. We totally aren't like none years older than we really are. We are totally married and we totally have kids!" He smiles but looks as worried as we are.

"We'll figure something out" I say. "Maybe we're in an alternate universe..."

"Could be... Well we have to get to the kids or things will be odd" Keefe says with a reassuring smile.

"Alright" I take Keefe's hand and we walk out to the kitchen.

"Mom!!! Amy is being annoying!!!" A boy who I assume is Kenric yells.

"Oww" I mutter tripping over my own feet. "I hate being pregnant. I feel I'm more clumsy then usual"

Keefe smirks then scoops me up bridal style. "I think your very graceful Foster"

"Actually I think it's Sencen now.." I say then clamp my hands over my mouth.

"Ok Sencen." He smirks walking into the kitchen.

"Hi guys!" I wave.

"Hi mommy!" The little girl who I guess is Amy says.

"Hi Amy" I smile as Keefe outs me down.

"We need to eat breakfast!" Kenric complains he looks about 12.

"Ok. I'll make you something" I walk towards the fridge but Kenric stops me.

"No. No offense mom but your cooking is nasty. Dad's is better"

"Oh" I say frowning my eyes start tear up and I start to cry.

"What the heck? Why am I crying?" I cry

"Pregnancy" Keefe says walking over and giving me a hug. Amy joins then Kenric. I smile I love these kids.

"Ok well we need food. I'm sorry I made you cry mom" Kenric says.

"It's alright bud" I ruffle his hair.

"MOM!! Not the hair!" He complains.

"He takes after you Keefe" I tell him over my shoulder. Keefe is already making something to eat. I sit at the counter talking to Kenric and Amy.

"Mommy can I go to Auntie Biana's today while Kenric is at school?" Amy asks.

"Sure I'll ask" I say.

"Foods ready!" Keefe calls bringing over four plates of food. The four of us dig in. In minutes we're done. After breakfast I hail Biana.

"Hey Bi!" I say when she answers.

"Hi Soph! Let me guess Amy wants to come over?" She guesses

"Yes" I huff.

"Ok works for me. You need to rest. Keep baby safe" she smiles.

"Ok thank you" I sigh with relief then hang up. Why me?

"Mommy!" Amy calls. "Daddy's taking me to Auntie Biana's house!"

"Ok hun!" I call back then close the door to change. I walk over to the closet and grab a red dress that will fit over the huge baby bump. I take my pjs off and slide the red dress on. I rub my bump.

"Sorry baby. I don't know what to do. this is my first time. I hope you understand." I whisper to the bump the baby kicks and I jump.

I smile. "Thanks for understanding" 


I'm sorry I know this isn't the best written. I need some baby name ideas. I have a few but I want to see what you think. 

Comments, questions and constructive feedback is always welcome! 

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