Chapter 22

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Once we all finish supper we gather in the living room for Amy. 

"Do I get to open presents?" She asks with a smile.

"Yes you do" Stina says pointing to the pile of presents on the table. There are quite a few on the table in sparkly wrapping paper.

Amy grabs the one from the top and rips it open. Inside is a rainbow obreé dress. She squeals in delight.

"That ones from me" Biana grins. "What do you think?" 

"I love it!!" She runs over and gives Biana a tight hug. Then she opens one inside is a pink purse with a golden strap and gems.

"I love it!!" She tries it on. 

"It's from us" Linh says pointing to her and Marella. "There's also a second part."

"Ok" Amy says then opens the smallest one inside has coloring stuff, gel pens, markers, pencil crayons and crayons.

"I can color now!!" Amy grins from ear to ear. "I think auntie Stina got it."

"How did you know?" She asks.

"I'm smart" She smiles. "I love it." Finally she grabs the last present and opens it inside is a baby doll.

"I love it!! Ima name her Jenny!" She grins. 

"That was the second present" Marella says.

"I have a present!" Ro yells running into the room handing Amy a box with neon pink wrapper. "Be careful with it."

"Why what's in it?" I ask suspiciously.

"You will see. Open it" She says.

 Amy slowly opens the present inside it is a small dagger. "A knife!"

"You got her a knife?" I ask Ro shaking my head slightly.

"Its the same set as Hope" She smirks.

"Hope? Like Mommy's knife?" Amy asks.

"Yes" Ro says. "What will you name the knife?"

"I'll name her Joy!" She grins looking down at the knife.

"Be careful with it" Keefe tells her.

"I will" She promises. "Do you have yours mommy?"

"I think I saw it in your bag" Kenric says.

"really?" I check my bag and sure enough Hope is there.

"Now we are sammers!" She grins.

"Yeah! Just be careful with it. why don't you go play with the kids?"

"Ok!" All the kids run upstairs.

I turn to Ro. "Who would you give a five year old a knife?"

"Ogre kids use knifes as soon as they are born" Ro shrugs.

"Because their ogres!" I tell her.

"You can never learn to young" Ro tells me.

I sigh. "I don't think I can win this argument."

"No you really can't" Ro smirks.

"Why do I feel like I should take that knife before someone gets skewered?" I whisper to Keefe.

"Yeah I think you should" Keefe whispers back.

"I'll be back." I walk up the stairs to the second floor. 

"Hi Mommy!" Amy grins when she see's me.

"Hi Auntie Sophie!" Caprice waves.

"Hi Caprice." I smile then turn to Amy. "I'm going to be keeping your knife for now."

"Aww why?" Amy pouts. 

"So no one get's hurt."  I tell her. "Can I have it?"

"Fine.." She reluctantly hands me her knife.

"Thank you Amy." I thank her walking back down the stairs holding the knife.

"Were you stabbed?" Keefe asks me.

"Thankfully not" I tell him handing him the knife. "Don't do anything stupid with it"

"No promises" He smirks his devilish smirk.

I sigh. "If your stabbed or die I'm not taking the blame."

"Deal." he smirks.

"Can yall stop yapping?" Ro asks. "It's really painful to watch and listen to."

"Yeah sorry" I mumble.
"No sorry" Keefe says.

We look at each other and laugh good and hard.

"We should call the kids up and watch a movie" Stina suggests.

"Sure!" Biana says getting up to get the kids.

"Sophie!" Maruca calls.

"Yeah?" I walk over.

"Calla won't stop crying please help me" she says. "I-I don't know what I did"

"Don't worry it's fine" I take Calla from her. "I'm going outside for a bit"

"Ok. Don't be late for the movie" Keefe tells me.

I walk outside and rock Calla. She doesn't fall asleep she just looks up at me. Her eyes showing many emotions. Happiness, trust and care.

"Mama" she says reaching her hand up and touching my face.

"Calla" I smile softly kissing her head. "I love you Calla"


What's going to happen next?
Sorry I haven't posted in awhile

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