Chapter 14

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After we put the kids to bed Keefe and I sit on the couch.

"When do you think we will get home?" Keefe asks.

"I don't know. I wonder how everyone is doing.." I mumble.

"Is there a way we could get home faster?" Keefe asks.

"Why are you asking me?" I laugh.

"I don't know!" He laughs with me. "Maybe Alden knows.." 

"But then he would be suspicious.."

"True. But if this happens to us in the past then he would know. Wouldn't he?"

"Good point." Keefe notes.

"Of course it is!" I smile.

"We could have Biana to watch the kids as we go check with Alden" He suggests.

" We could" I force a smile.

How do I tell him I want to stay here? I don't want to go back to the past, with the Neverseen. How do I tell him?

"Whats the matter?" Keefe asks.

"Nothing. Just tired." I lie. "I'ma go to bed"

I walk back to our bedroom change into my PJs and sleep. Soon after a dream comes.

"When will they wake up?" A voice says. Biana. 

"I don't know. It could be two weeks or a year." Elwin says wiping his hands.

"TWO YEARS!?!" Dex yelps. "Is there anything you could do to get them back faster?"

"Unfortunately no. Only they can since they are the ones trapped."

"What do they do?" Fitz asks.

"I don't know. You would have to ask someone who has been trapped in a time loop."  Elwin admits.

"Who's been in the time loop?" Linh asks.

"Me." A mysterious voice says. Everyone turns to see a Elf with dark almost purple eyes and bleach blond hair.

"And what if your name?" Tam asks his voice gravelly.

"Berthon"  He says.

"How did you get out of your loop?" Elwin asks.

"Can't tell you. Only they get to know" He nods towards our unconscious bodies.

"Seriously?" Fitz yells his fists clenching.

"Yes." He walks out his cape trailing behind him.

"He reminds me of those villain's from the human movies my mom likes to watch" Dex says.

Biana shoots him a glare. "Not the time Dex"

"Sorry" He shrugs.

"So we just have to get Sophie and Keefe to talk to Berthon" Linh says. "Should be simple."

I wake up covered in sweat. 

"Keefe" I whisper somehow he wakes up.

"What's the matter?"

"I had a dream. We have to talk to Berthon." I say.

His brow furrows. "Berthon?"

"Yes" I insist.

"Berthon is my uncle." 


"Berthon is my Uncle. But he's dead." Keefe says.


"Berthon. My Uncle. Is dead." He says pausing ever so slightly.

"But. How is that possible? Everyone was talking to him in my dream.. He was in a time loop! Just like us!" I insist.

"That's not possible Love. He died." 

"But.." I start.

"I don't know Love. We will talk about it in the morning."

"Fine" I huff. "I'm going to check on the kids" 

I get out of bed and walk over to Amy and Calla's room and quietly open the door peaking in. She's lying on the bed sprawled out holding her stuffed imp. I smile. Calla is sleeping in a ball in her crib clutching her imp. "I love you girls"I whisper.

 After awhile I walk over to Kenric's room but there's a light coming from his door. I quietly knock but he doesn't answer so I open the door.

"Kenric?" I whisper looking around then spot him face down on his desk sleeping. I walk over and look down at what he was doing. Homework. I sigh picking him up and placing him in his bed. I turn off the lights. "Love you Kenric"

Then I walk back to my room and sit on the bed. Keefe is already asleep. I climb under the covers. "Love you" I whisper then drift off to sleep.

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