Chapter 21

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We wake up to anther scream but this time a happy one. Keefe and I get up and walk to the living room.

"Mommy! Daddy! It's my birthday!" Amy grins.

"Happy birthday!" Keefe tells her. "Open your presents!"

Amy takes the first present and rips the sparkly pink wrapping paper off. She squeals seeing the unicorn blanket. "I love it!"

"I'm glad" I smile watching her grab the present with sparkly purple wrap. She rips it open this one has the hair clip, dress and unicorn neckalce. "It's so pretty!!"

"You should wear it today." Kenric suggests.

"I will!" She grabs all her presents and runs off to her room to change.

"We are going to Stina and Fitz house for her birthday." Keefe tells me.

"Alright." I say as Amy emerges from her room wearing her dress and necklace.

"Kenric can you help me with my hair?" She asks.

"Of course!" He walks over and weaves her hair into an elaborate braid clipping the clip at the top.

I walk over looking at it. "How did you do that?"

"I've been practicing." He says with a proud smile.

"He also did my makeup one day!" Amy jumps in.

"He did?" Keefe asks.

Amy nods. "Can you do it again?" She asks.

"Sure." Kenric walks into his room and grabs a make up palate and brushes.

Amy sits down on the floor and Kenric comes and does the makeup giving her a gold eyeshadow look. After about twelve minutes he's done.

Amy looks in the mirror. "I love it!"

"How did you do that?" I ask.

"Caprice and Marella have been teaching me" He blushes.

"How come you never told us?" Keefe asks.

"I was scared you would be mad" He whispers.

"We would never be mad at you for doing what you love" I tell him.

He smiles. "Thank you"

"Of course" I say. "Now I'm going to get dressed."

I change into a pale blue dress. "Kenric!" I call.

He runs in. "Yeah?"

"Could you do my hair?"

He grins so big his smile almost touches his ears. "YES!!" He grabs a hair and comb putting my hair is a braid bun at the top of my head.

"I love it!" I tell him giving him a hug.

"Time to go!" Keefe says.

Kenric and I run out to Keefe.

"Coming!" I yell as we make it to the front door. Keefe leaps us to Fitz and Stina's house.

"Happy birthday Amy!" Stina tells Amy.

"Thank you!" She grins. "Where's Ally and Ava?"

"Out back" Stina says.

"Ok!" She runs off to meet the girls.

"Hi Sophie!" Maruca says. "Do you think I'd be able to hold Calla again?"

"Of course!" I hand Calla to her. "I'm going to find Biana."

I walk to the kitchen where Biana, Linh and Ro are.

"Hi Soph!" Biana says when she sees me.

"Hi Bi" I smile. "Do you need help with anything?"

"Yeah could you help with the spaghetti?" Biana asks.

"Yeah" I walk over beside Linh and help her cook the spaghetti.

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