Chapter 6

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"What do you mean its Kenric?" I ask. "Whats wrong with my son?!"

"I don't know yet. He passed out. Come" Elwin says calmly then hangs up.

"KEEFE!!! AMY!!!" I scream. No one comes down. Silveny joins me.


After awhile Keefe and Amy come down smiling. He sees me crying and his smirk drops.

"Whats the matter?" He asks running over.

"I got a hail from Elwin something is wring with Kenric. I've been calling you for five minutes!" I yell.

"Oh. Sophie I'm sorry" He grabs Amy then leaps us to Foxfire. As we run through the halls. Whispers start.

"Is that Sophie Foster?"

"Why is Keefe Sencen here?"

"What's going on?"

We make it to the healing center and slam the door open. I rush to Kenric's side and take his hand sitting down.

"What's wrong with him?" I demand

"I believe he's manifesting" Elwin says.

"At 12?" Keefe asks.

"It's odd I know. But with you two as his parents I'm not surprised." Elwin says calmly walking over.

"How long will he be out?" Amy asks sitting on the cot beside Kenrics.

"About three hours. While your here I'd like to check baby." Elwin says walking over.

"No. We are here for Kenric right now. We can check baby after." I wipe the tears from my eyes.

Keefe walks over and gives me a hug. "He will be alright. What do you think he will manifest as?"

"Well... I don't know. With all my powers It could be anything." I say.

"I think a empath! Or maybe a polyglot!" Amy jumps in.

"Maybe... Maybe" I say sadly.

"So he will be ok?" Keefe asks.

"Yes." He says. then mumbles. " I think..."

I bolt up and walk over to Elwin. "What do you mean you think?" I hiss.

"Well... His symptoms match with manifesting. But I can't really tell. Besides as I said his parents are our most powerful elves." He says backing up slowly. I start to tear up. 

"Sophie I should really check the baby" Elwin says.

"Fine" I huff. I climb onto the cot beside Kenric. Keefe takes my hand. Elwin walks over. I pull the dress up a bit so he can get to my stomach. 

He  snaps. A blue light comes. He flashes it around.

"Whats he doing?" Amy asks Keefe.

"Making sure baby is ok."  He answers.

"hmmm.. I can't see much..." Elwin turns the light green. He flashes it around my abdomen then pales.

"What's the matter?" I ask.

"I need to be sure first" He changes it to pink. "Sophie.. Keefe.."

"What?" Keefe demands.

"Your losing baby..." He says.

I gasp. "What do you mean losing baby? Like... Miscarriage?" I ask 

"But... That's impossible for elves.." Keefe says.

"I thought so to." Elwin says.

Amy looks around. "What does that mean?" 

"It means baby is dying" I says as the tears fall.

"babys dying?" A voice asks. I turn around to see Kenric siting up.

"Kenirc!" I yelp getting up and giving him a hug.

Kenric starts to cry. "Mom... This is weird! Stop!" 

I back up crying again "What is?"

"I can tell... Your sad... Dad's worried... And Amy's confused..."

"Empath" Keefe and Elwin say in unison.

"You manifested as a empath" Keefe says calmly.

"Oh.. Cool!" he says. "But what do you mean by baby is dying?"

"Baby is dying.." Keefe says. "But why?"

"Probably due to stress. Are you stressed Sophie?" 

Yes. I'm in the freaking future. And I'm pregnant. Now I'm losing my future selves baby. 

"No" I say

"Lie" Kenric says. "At least... I think it is."

"Probably right. Your stressed. Your Sophie Sencen" He says. "You guys should head home. Kenric and you are on bedrest."

"ok!" Amy says. Keefe leaps us home. 

"What are those?" Kenric asks pointing to the imp stuffys.

"We got them for the family! Yours is the blue one!" Amy grabs them all. Hands Kenric the blue one me red and Keefe green. She keeps the pink one for herself.

"How about we watch a movie?" Keefe asks. We all agree. We snuggle up and watch a movie.

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