Chapter 18

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"I wonder when the kids birthdays are" I mumble.

"Check the birth certificate on the bedside table." Keefe says pointing. I pick the first one up.

"What day is it today?" I ask

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"What day is it today?" I ask.

"May 23 why?" Keefe asks.

"Amy is turning 5 on the 25th"

"Really?" He asks

"Yeah. I'ma check Kenrics"

"When is Kenric's birthday?" He asks

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"When is Kenric's birthday?" He asks.

"July 14" I say. "We have to get ready for Amy's birthday."

"But elves don't celebrate birthdays" Keefe says.

I look him dead in the eyes. "I'm celebrating my daughter's fifth  birthday and you can't stop me."

We walk out of the bedroom into the kitchen where the kids are eating. 

"Hi Mommy!" Amy grins. 

"Hi Love, What do you want for your birthday this year?"

"I want a unicorn blanket... A new dress... And a necklace!" She grins.

"That's all?" I ask.

She nods.

"Simple child" Keefe mumbles.

"Yeah unlike you."

Keefe gasps clutching his chest in fake pain.

"I'm going to call Edaline and see if she can watch the kids while we get Amy's birthday presents" I walk off and call Edaline.

"Hi Sophie! What do you need?" She asks when she answers.

"Would you be able to watch the kids for me? Keefe and I have to get ready for Amy's birthday" I say.

"Absolutely! I'll be here all day" She grins then hangs up. 

"Kids! Your going to Nana and Papa's today!" I call. Once everyone is ready we leap to their house.

"Hi kids!" Grady grins when he sees us. We drop them off then Keefe and I leap to Atlantis.

"Where do we go for the unicorn blanket?" I ask Keefe.

"Probably Blankets an Blankets" Keefe says.

"Take me there" I say. He takes my hand and leads me to the shop.

"Hello. Anything in particular you need?" A man in a black tunic reading B an B asks.

"We are looking for a unicorn blanket for our daughter" I say.

"Ah yes. Follow me" He leads us to s corner of the store with unicorn blankets.

"What color base should we get?" I ask Keefe. "Pink? Purple? Blue? Grey?"

"Pink." Keefe says picking one up. "While you sleep we talk a lot. She loves  the color pink"

"Really?" I ask as it hits me. I barely know anything about my own kids. I push that though aside. "Then we will get that one"

We walk to the check out. "Did you find everything ok?" The cashier asks.

"Yes" Keefe says then pays. "Now we need a new dress or necklace."

"We can find both at Fancy Pants Stuff or FPS" I say.

"Alright then." We walk to the store. "Over there" I point to the wall with jewelry on it. We walk over.

"Should we get her a unicorn necklace?" Keefe asks.

"Sure." We look at the selection of unicorn necklaces finally deciding on a unicorn head necklace with a pink mane. "Now the dress"

We walk over to the dresses that would fit Amy. "She has many pink dresses so we should get a different colored one.

"Like what color?" I ask looking through the racks.

"Purple?" He says holding up a purple dress with gems on it. 

"Yes! It's so pretty! We should also get her a hair accessory to match! Do you know here to get one from?"

"No but we could ask." We walk to the front and pay. "Do you know where we could get a hair accessory from?"

"Yeah, Endle accessory's" The man says.

"Ok thank you" We walk around the mall then we find it inside the shop is a much older Wylie.

"Wylie!" I gasp.

"Long time no seen" He grins. 

"it has been awhile" I agree.

"What brings you here?" He asks.

"We are looking for a hair accessory for our daughter for her fifth birthday." Keefe says.

"Ok. What color?"

"A lavender please" I say.

 Wylie walks over to a box and grabs a few. "Which one would you like?"

We pick the one with lavender heart crystals on a silver base. "It'll match the dress."

We pay then leap home hiding the presents under the bed. "I'll pick up the kids while you make supper" Keefe says.

"Deal" He says grabbing his shoes and crystal leaping to Havenfield.  

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