Chapter 11

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I quickly run to my bedroom and grab my imparter to call Keefe. I hear ringing from the bed I look and see he has forgotten his impater.

Of course. I call Elwin.

"Hello Sophie?" He says.

"Elwin baby is coming now and it hurts!" I tell him panicked.

"What do you mean it hurts?! Elven births don't hurt!" He yelps. "Leap here right now!" He hangs up.

I leap to Foxfire and hobble to the healing center.

"Where's Keefe?" He asks helping me into a cot.

"With Amy. He forgot his impater" I groan through the contractions.

"Oh dear.. Can you call him telepathically?" He asks 

"No Elwin I can't! I'm in a lot of pain and I'm about to push out a freaking baby!" I yell wanting to strangle him a bit.

"Ok fair point.. Change into this dress thingy I'll call Edaline" He says handing me a dress and running into his office. I change into the dress with a lot of struggle soon Edaline rushes through the door.

"Oh Sophie I'm so sorry you have to go through this pain." She says helping me back into one of the cots.

"I'll survive" I manage through my grinding teeth.

"How dilated is she?" Edaline asks Elwin.

"I don't know. Sophie this may be awkward but I'll ha-" I cut him off.

"I don't care about awkward just do your dang job!" I yell at him.

He checks how dilated I am. "She's 7 centimeters dilated... I'll call Fitz and tell him to call Keefe telepathically!" He runs back to his office.

"Sophie you go this. You will have to push soon" Edaline tells me taking my hand.

 You will have to push soon" Edaline tells me taking my hand

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"Daddy come on!" Amy yells running.


"AMY! Mommy's having the baby!!!" I grab her hand and leap to the healing center.

"What!" She yells when we land. 

We run inside to see Sophie in one of the cots pushing with all her might yelling in pain. Even in labor she's one of the most beautiful girls ever. Her and Amy. I run to her side.

"You got this Darling!" I encourage.   

"Keefe shut up or I will strangle you!" She threatens.

"Noted" I mumble.

"What's going on?!" Amy yells running over.

"Crap... Mommy's having a baby. How about you go wait out in the waiting room with Grandpa" I say.

"Ok!" She runs out.

"How is she?" I whisper to Edaline.

"Good. Baby's head is almost out" She whispers back.

"HELP!!!" Sophie screams.

Elwin and Edaline runs over and takes control. I move away from her bottom area to her top and take the hand Edaline was holding. She squeezes my hand.

"Keefe.." She mutters. "I'm scared..."

"I know Sophie but you got this. Baby is almost there" I promise her, "Just push."

She pushes more. After a long three hours. Baby is born. 

"Keefe..." She passes out.

"ELWIN!" I yell.

"She will be fine don't worry. It's baby we need to worry about" He's holding my little baby in his arms running over to his wall of medicine.

I run over. "I'll hold my baby."

He hands me the baby then keeps grabbing medicine. "I need baby back"

I hand my baby back and watch him feed my baby. After about five medicines baby looks healthy again. "Here's baby" He hands me my baby then feeds Sophie her medicine. She wakes up coughing.

"Where's my baby!?!" She demands.

"Right here" I hand her our baby. She takes her in her arms.

"She's so beautiful" She smiles. "Calla Edaline Sencen"

Calla looks up at Sophie and smiles. 

"Shouldn't she be able to talk?" Edaline asks Elwin.

"Usually yes. But this is a different birth so maybe not. This baby might be more human for now" Elwin tells her.

"That's fine with me" Sophie smiles rocking little Calla. I sit down beside her and watch her with our baby.

"Her eyes" I say pointing.

Her left eye is brown and her right eye is pale blue. Sophie gasps. "It's beautiful!"


Ya'll I have never given birth so there is a 99% change this is not accurate but I tried.

Should I add Kenric and Amy's POV into the book? Yes or No

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