Chapter 3

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I wake up the next day in my bed. I sit up and hear laughing coming from the kitchen. I rub my sleepy eyes.

Hey!... I got some sleep! Thanks pregnancy. 

I waddle over to the kitchen. "Hi guys!"

"Hi Sencen!" Keefe smirks.

I role my eyes. " Hi Hunkyhair"

This time Kenric roles his eyes. "Stop with the pet names!"

"Never my... Angel..." I grin.

Kenric laughs turning beat red.

"What about me mommy?" Amy asks with big eyes


"Ok!" She smiles taking another bite of mallowmelt.

"Keefe!" I screech. "Why are you giving them mallowmelt at like eight am?"

"Um.. Darling... It's already one pm.." he says. I look at the time and sure enough its already one. 

"Well.. I better get dressed. We have to leave soon." I say walking away. I grab a flowy turquoise maternity dress. I take my pjs off and slide the dress on. After I brush my hair. 

"Mommy" Amy calls through the door.

"Yes Cupcake?" 

"Can you help me grab my dress from the closet?" 

"Can you ask Daddy?"

"Ok!" I hear footsteps as she runs away. After I have the dress on I go meet Amy. She's wearing a poofy pink dress.

"Who bought you that dress?" I ask.

She looks down then giggles. "Auntie Biana!"

"Sounds abought right" I pick her up and walk to the door were Keefe and Kenric are waiting. I take Keefe's free hand with my free hand. He leaps us to Linh and Marella's house.

"Very sparkly" Keefe whispers to me.

"Very Linh" I whisper back putting Amy down. The kids run to the house a girl about eleven years old with ash hair and pale grey-blue eyes greet them. Beside the girl is a boy about six years old with coppery colored hair and teal eyes. 

"Hi Caprise! Hi Rowen!" Kenirc calls.

"Hi guys! Where's  Ally and Ava?" Amy asks.

"Inside." The ash haired girl answers.

Keefe and I walk hand in hand through the door to the living room. There are four couches. Fitz is sitting beside Stina she's holding a baby.

I sit down on one of the empty couches Keefe sits down beside me.

"Hi Sophie!" Stina grins.

"Uh.. Hi?" I say with a forced smile.

Why is Stina so nice?

Biana is sitting next to Dex they each have a child on there lap. Biana has a two year old kid with copper hair and teal eyes. Dex has a two year old with brown hair and periwinkle eyes.

"Hi Sophie" Dex says rocking the baby in his arms.

"Ava! Ally!" Amy yells running into the room climbing onto my lap.

"oh ok.." I say pulling her up. Linh and Marella walk into the room.

"So Sophie. Did you find out babys gender?" Linh asks.

"Yes. But shouldn't we wait till Tam's here?" Keefe says.

"I'm right here" Tam says appearing behind Linh.

"Oh. Well we are having another girl" I grin.

"Congratulations! Dex hold Ally" She hands Dex the baby then walks over and gives me a hug. "I'm so happy for you!"

"Thanks Bi" I smile after she walks back to her spot with Dex. Six of the kids go running downstairs. The only one that stays is Tullina. Stina and Fitz baby.

"So Sophie how is the pregnancy going?" Biana asks

"Well... I'm getting more sleep..." I say taking Keefe's hand.

"Well thats good! I could barley ever sleep when I was pregnant with the twins" Biana says.

"When I was pregnant with Caprise I could sleep normally" Marella says.

"Same" Stina notes.

"So... Anyway..." Amy chooses that time to come running in.

"Mommy! Daddy! I'm hungry! When are we eating!?" She asks climbing into my lap again.

"I dunno kiddo" Keefe shrugs.

"Well foods ready right now we could eat now" Linh suggests

"Ok!" Amy runs back to the kids and yells "supper!"

The six kids come running upstairs into the kitchen. I stand up then grip Keefe's hand.

"I'm never going to get used to pregnancy" I tell him.

"Im sure you will" he kisses the top of my head. We walk to the kitchen. My mouth waters when I see the food. Linh and Biana help their kids get food.

"What would you like?" I ask Amy holding a empty plate.

She points to the starflower stew. I grab a bowl and give her some stew. Then I pour myself a bowl. Amy takes her bowl upstairs with the rest of the kids I walk back to the living room and sit down with my bowl. I inhale it.

"It's almost as good as Callas..." I mumble tearing up. I whip my eyes. "Stupid hormones"

"It'll be just fine" Keefe says with a smirk.

We eat and talk till we start to get tired we pack up and head home I immediately change into my PJs and climb into bed Keefe soon follows. I snuggle closer his arm wraps around me. We drift off to sleep.


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