Chapter 9

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When we leap home we hear laughs from inside.

"Were home!!!" I call walking in.

"Mommy!" Amy yells giving me a huge hug. "Daddy!" She then gives Keefe a bigs hug.

"Does she always greet people like that?" Ro asks.

"Yep" I answer with a smile.

My future is great. I'm married to Keefe. I have the best kids in the world. The best friends. I can't wait to grow up.

"How old were you when you had Kenric?" Bo asks.

"Umm...." I say pretend thinking.

"24" Kenric answers. "You had me at 24 married at 22 Amy was born when you were 32 your 36 now"

I send him a thankful glance. He raises a eyebrow.

"You good Mom?" He asks.

"Yeah I'm fine" I answer.

"Your not" he answers.

"Wait how do you know?" Ro asks.

"I'm a Empath." He answers.

"He can feel Sophie's emotions through the air like me." Keefe replys.

"He really is his father's son" Ro laughs.

"He really is. He doesn't even let me touch his hair" I laugh.

"He'll let me touch his hair" Ro says with a evil smile she reaches over and ruffles Kenrics hair.

His eyes widden is fear knowing if he tells her to stop Ro will gut him.

"Good boy" she smirks. "I knew he would listen."

"Good job Ro" I tell her.

"Thank you" she says with another smirk.

"Well Blondie I should be going. Let you enjoy your birthday and your husband" she wiggles her eyebrows at the last part.

Keefe blushes.

"Oh, oh!" I say realizibg what she meant I blush too.

"Eww Ro stop!" Kenric complains.

Amy looks confused between all of us. "Huh?"

"Stay innocent Little Amy" Bo tells her with a small smile.

"DID BO JUST SMILE?!?!" Keefe yells.

Bo's smile fades. He curses in Orge.

"Language" I tell him.

He raises a eyebrow then curses more.

"Come on smiley we're leaving" she grabs Bo and Mo'd hands draging them out. "Bye Sencens!!"

"I have to add to the Ballad of Bo and Ro and the tiny Mo." He runs of the bedroom then comes out holding a big Marron book the cover has a picture of Bo and Ro holding hands above them in gold cursive says the Ballad of Bo and Ro. "Hmmm.. I need to change it." He proceeds to rip the cover off. He runs back to the bedroom comes back with a scretch book pencils and pencil crayons.

"Whatcha doing?" Amy asks coming up beside him at the table.

"Making a cover for The Ballad of Bo and Ro and the tiny Mo.

"Can I draw?" She asks.

"Sure" wait. I need to check something. He runs back into the bedroom I hear rummaging then walks back holding two books.

"What are those?" I ask him. He holds them up they are sketch books one light blue one light pink on th cover of the pink one says Little Ms. Sencen surrounded by sparkles. The blue one says Little Mr. Sencen.

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