Chapter 16

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After awhile Linh comes home with all four kids. 

"You picked up Kenric?" I ask.

"Yep! I hope that's ok" She hands Calla to me.

"It is don't worry." I look over to him, he's quietly talking to Caprice.

"I ship it" Keefe whispers to me.

"Same. It's going to be a thing"

"We will make it a thing"

"I have to go now. Come on Caprice!" They leap home.

"What did you get?" I ask Amy.

"I got this dress" She holds up a sparkly pink, purple and blue dress"

"It's very pretty" Keefe says. "Now how about you two go play."

"Ok! Come on Kenric!" The two of them run off laughing. It's peaceful for awhile till I hear crying I get up and walk over to Amy.

"What's the matter?" I ask a sobbing Amy.

"Wh- when I wake up.."

"When you wake up" I prompt kneeling beside her.

"My eyebrows are already on my face!"

"When you wake up your eyebrows are already on your face?" I ask.

She nods.

"Everyone's eyebrows are on their face when hey wake up love"

"Oh.. Kenric said it was just me!"

Keefe snorts, "Did he now?"

Amy nods.

"I was teasing her!" Kenric says walking over.

"It's ok. Please apologize to your sister."

"I'm sorry I scared you Amy" 

"It's ok" She says. "Can we play again?" 

"Yeah" Kenric picks her up and they go laughing.

"I swear they come up with the most random things ever" I tell Keefe.

"They really do" Keefe laughs sitting back down on the couch. "I can take Calla if you want"

"Ok" I hand him Calla sitting down beside him.

"One of these days we should have a big family dinner" Keefe says.

"I think there's one this weekend Linh mentioned it when she asked to take the girls."

"Really? That'll be... Fun..." 

"Yeah. At least the kids will get to see each other again." He smiles.

"Oh absolutely." 

"Maybe Kenric and Caprice will get together!" Keefe grins.

"Uh.. Maybe too soon. Their still quite little."

"Oh come on!"

Kenric and Amy come back. "I  heard my name" Kenric says..

"Oh. Are we not allowed to talk about our kids?" I ask.

"Only if its about my hair." He deadpans.

"You and your hair. Just like your father" I sigh.

"What? It has to look nice to get the ladies" He smirks. 

"Any ladies in particular? Perhaps greyish hair? And grey-blue eyes?"

Kenric pales. "Um no"

Keefe jumps up grinning like a mad man. "I KNEW IT!!!"

"I'm going to go now.." He turns on his heel and runs off.

"Keefe I think you scared him off" I smile.

"Oh well. He will come around. He's going to need help getting Caprice" 

"I DON"T NEED HELP!!!" Kenric yells from the other room.

"SO YOU DO LIKE HER!!" Keefe yells.

"You set yourself up for failure" I tell Kenric.

"We are great parents" Keefe tells me handing Calla back. 

"Such good parents." I agree.

________________________________________________________________________________  Short chapter sorry! 

But what do yall think so far? What should I add?

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