Chapter 20

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Both Keefe and I run to Amy's room slamming the door open inside the room standing over Amy is Berthon. 

"Get out off out house!" Keefe yelps as I run towards Amy picking her up.

"I thought you wanted answers." Berthon says calmly.

"Yes but not in our house!" I yell then turn to Amy. "Are you alright?"

Amy nods hugging me.

"Get out of our house we will meet you in three days." Keefe says.

"What's going on?" A voice from the door asks. It's Kenric holding a wide awake Calla. "She was crying"

"What did you do to our kids?!" I demand.

he smirks. "You will see in time"

My eyes widen. "What. Did. You. Do?!?!" 

He doesn't answer. Suddenly I start to see red. Berthon yells out in pain.

"Sophie stop! Your inflicting on him!" Keefe yells.

I stop. "Leave our house now."

"Fine. I'll see you in three days."

"At your house" Keefe adds.

Berthon scowls. "Fine" Then he leaps away.

"Are you alright?" I ask the three of my kids.

"I feel fine. Calla was sobbing uncontrollably when I woke up" 

Keefe takes Calla from Kenric. "She seems ok now. Thank you though" 

"She's my sister, it's my job." He says then turns to me. "Who was that man?"

"Your uncle." I tell him. 

"Why did he want to see us?" He asks.

"Grown up stuff" Keefe tells him.

"Ugh you always that." He complains.

I smile. "We will tell you when your older."

"Fine. I'm going back to bed."

"How about we all sleep in the living room for the rest of the night?" I ask.

"OK!" Amy grins grabbing her stuffed animal running to the living room.

"Deal!" Kenric also runs to the living room. Keefe and I soon follow. We all settle down and fall asleep.


"Good morning mommy!" Amy says while I still sleep. I open my eyes.

"Good morning Love" I smile. Keefe and Kenric are already awake talking. Kenric holding Calla in his arms.

"Morning Sophie" Keefe says. "Stina is taking the kids today we are going to talk to Alden about getting protection for the house.

"Deal" I say. "I'ma go get dressed." I run to my room and get ready throwing a black tunic on.

I get out but the kids are gone. "Stina took the kids." Keefe explains.

"Oh ok. Ready to go?" I ask.

Keefe nods and we leap away. When we appear Alden is right in front of us.

"AH!" He yelps. "Oh.. Mrs. Sencen Mr. Sencen. Didn't expect to see from you. What do you need?"

"Someone broke into our house last night. They were in Amy's room" Keefe says. 

Alden's eyes harden. "They were what? I'll have protection added around your house as soon as I can. That's what you wanted right?"

"Yeah" I say.

"Alright. You guys go home and make sure everything is ok also get everything ready for Amy's birthday." He leaps away.

"That went well." I say. 

"Yeah." Keefe grabs my hand and we leap back home


Shortish chapter but here are the mood boards for the kids! Hope that makes up for how short it is

Shortish chapter but here are the mood boards for the kids! Hope that makes up for how short it is

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✨Amy's mood board✨

💙Kenric's mood board💙

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💙Kenric's mood board💙

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