Chapter 2

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Eventually I fall asleep. Somehow Fitz makes his way into my dreams

"Sophie! Sophie!"  Fitz calls. "I don't know if you can hear this or not but if so listen! What is happening to you and Keefe is normal! It happens to few elves. You have been transported to the future. What ever is happening now is your future. You will be there for about three weeks to a year."

I wake up covered in sweat all of a sudden Keefe walks in.

"Keefe! I got a dream message thing from Fitz! Turns out we are in the future! We'll be here from three weeks to a year!" I yell standing up.

Keefe facepalms. "I should have known! I wonder how long we will be here for..." He comes and sits down beside me.

"That means in the future we are married" I sigh snuggling closer to him. He wraps his arm around me.

"Yep! Sophie Elizabeth Sencen" He smiles.

 We get a knock on the door. "I'll get it!" Keefe stands up and gets the door. "Oh Hi Elwin!"

"Hi Keefe! I'm here to check on Sophie and baby. I'll also tell you the gender today." He says with a smile.

"Oh come in" Keefe beckons him in. 

"Ok Sophie this may be a little awkward but I'm going to need you to move your shirt up so I can get to your stomach" Elwin says.

I pull my dress up so my stomach is exposed. Elwin flashes some fancy light and smiles.

"Good news! Baby is nice and healthy! Would you like to know the gender?" He says with a grin.

I look at Keefe. "Yes please" He says.

"Alrighty baby is a girl" He smiles. Happy tears fill my eyes Keefe comes over and gives me a hug.

"We're having a baby girl" I whisper into his shoulder.

"I know" he whispers.

"Keefe... I've never done this before... I'm scared"

"Don't worry Fos-Sencen you got this. I promise." He whispers back.

"Well that's all I'm here for so I'll be going now" Elwins says leaving.

"Bye Elwins!" I smile. Once he's gone the tears start to flow happy and sad.

"Are these sad tears or happy tears?" Keefe asks pulling me closer. I lay my head on his chest his left hand wraps around me his right hand lays on top of the baby bump.

"Both. Happy because of the baby girl. Sad because I've never done this and it's stressful. We have to care for Amy and Kenric. They are relying on us"

"I know. Trust me I do" Keefe promises. "But what's a better duo then us?"

"No one" I mumble

"Exactly" he plants a kiss on the top of my head. I snuggle closer and fall asleep.

"Mommy, mommy!" A little girl's voice says my eyes open.

"Hi Amy, Hi Kenric" I smile.

"Did you find out if I'm having a sister or brother?" Amy asks.

"We did. Your having a little sister"

Amy jumps up and down screaming happily. Kenric is grinning both kids come and give me a huge hug Keefe joins.

"Group hug!!!" He says. I smile.

"Oh I forgot to say! Caprice asked if we could come over tomorrow!" Kenric says

"Caprice?" I ask

"Yes Auntie Linh and Auntie Marellas daughter..." Kenric says confused

"Oh ya! Caprice! Ok yes we can go." I say

"Alright! Everyone is going to be there. Auntie Stina, Uncle Fitz, Auntie Biana, Uncle Dex, everyone!" Amy says happy.

"We'll be there" I promise her.

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