Chapter 7

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I wake up to it pitch black all the kids and Keefe are gone. I climb out of the couch.

"Hello?" I ask.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!" They all yell.

I gasp "how did you know?"

"Im your husband. I know this stuff" Keefe winks.

"Happy birthday mommy!" Amy says giving me a hug.

"Happy birthday mom" Kenric smiles.

I smile too until I remember what Elwins said yesterday. Tears start to cry.

"Hey, Sophie don't cry on your birthday!" Keefe says with a smile.

"But... But the baby..." I manage through the tears.

"It will be just fine darling" Keefe promises.


"Mommy open your presents!" Amy yells.

"Not without me!" I voice says from outside the door. Kenric opens it and I see Ro standing there with Bo and a little ogre girl with them.

"Ro!" I yell running over giving her a hug.

"I missed you too Blondie. Im so sorry I missed your wedding and child births! I've been so busy! But I knew you and hunkyhair would get together"

"It's ok Ro" I promise. Keefe joins the hug.

"You did it Hunkyhair" Ro smirks.

"Who's this?" I ask stepping back to see The little Orge.

"Oh. This is my daughter Mothela or Mo.' she says

"Hi Mo. How old are you?" Keefe asks.

"I'm 5" she says with a toothless smile.

"I have to add this to The Ballad of Bo and Ro. Should we change it to The Ballad of Bo, Ro and Mo? Hmmm" Keefe think out loud.

"I'ma kill you Sencen" Bo says walking in.

"Mhm. Well it's Sophie's birthday we need to do something!" Keefe says clapping his hands.

"Who are these kids?" Ro asks.

"Amy and Kenric" I say.

"And who's the baby in your stomach?" She asks.

"I think we will name her Calla" I say with tears in my eyes.

"What's the matter?" Ro asks pulling me into .a gentle hug. "You can tell Auntie Ro"

"I'm.... I'm losing baby..." I cry.

"Oh Sophie... I'm so sorry. But remember you are Sophie Sencen. Right Sophie Sencen? Anyway you are Sophie! You can do anything you put your mind to! I promise baby will be ok!" She promises.

"But what if she's not?" I ask.

"Then I'll march down to elven heaven and punch the leader in the face"

"You would do that?" I ask.

"Of course! Now what's the plan for today?"

"I told Daddy he should take Mommy on a romantic date!" Amy blurts out.

Ro looks at Amy. "I like you. Funkyhair you take your lady in a date I'll watch the kids. Deal?"

"Deal" Keefe says.

"Alright! Sophie go get ready!" Ro says clapping her hands.

"Ok ok ok!" I run to my bedroom and put on the teal dress I wore to Linh and Marellas house. I brush my hair and put it in a bun on the top of my head. I don't bother with make-up.

"Ready?" Keefe asks.


"Have fun you too!" Ro calls as we leap away.

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