Chapter 4

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I wake up the same way I feel asleep. Snuggling with Keefe. I slowly climb out of bed as if not to wake him and head down to the kitchen were Amy and Kenric are waiting.

"Why are you two up so early?" I yawn opening the fridge.

"We're always up this early silly" giggles Amy.

"Oh. Did you guys eat?" I ask

"Yep we had leftovers from yesterday." Kenric says. " I should be getting to school now" He grabs his crystal and leaps away.

"Ok bye!" A male voice from behind me says I turn to see Keefe.

"Morning Keefe" I smile.

"Good morning daddy!" Amy yells running over and giving Keefe a big hug.

"Morning Amy" He yawns.

"What's the plan for today?" I ask

"I'm going to Auntie Biana's house again" Amy deadpans.

"Oh. Did you talk to her about it?" I ask. The door bell rings. Amy walks over and open it. 

Biana is standing there. "I'm here to steal Amy from you" She picks Amy up and walks away.

"Ok then" I close the door. "Keefe..."


"How long are elves pregnant for?" I ask

"Nine months. Same as humans." I answers.

"Ok. Then we have two more months." I say thinking.

 "Do you have a name in mind?" Keefe asks.

"I kinda want to name her Calla... Calla Jolie... Or maybe Calla Edaline... I say

"I like it." He smiles.

"Calla Jolie Sencen" I smile softly. "We should visit Edaline and Grady today!"

"We should! You go change then we will leave."

I grab the same teal dress I wore yesterday and change into it. "Lets rock!" 

We leap to Havenfield. "I wonder were we live..." I mumble

"Moonstar. For Moonlark and loadstar" Keefe answers.

"Oh. That's pretty" I smile as we knock on the door. Edaline answers. She smiles when she sees us. 
"Sophie! Keefe! What a surprise! Come in, Come in!" She grabs my hand and pulls me in to the couch. "How are you feeling? Is this baby harder then the rest?"

Well I wouldn't know this is my first one I know... So I guess... "Yes I would say so" I answer

"How so? Hormones? Hungry? Sleepy? Anxiety?" Edaline asks walking over to the kitchen.

"All of the above" I say. "We also found out baby's gender."

"Really? Let me call Grady. GRADY!" She yells the last part.

"Coming!" He comes running down the stairs when eh sees us his face lights up. "Sophie! Keefe!" He gives us both big hugs. "What do you need Eda?"

"They have babys gender!" She grins.

"Really? Do tell" He turns to us.

"Girl." Keefe and I say in unison. Edaline tears up. Grady grins. They both give us huge hugs.

"Congratulations!" Grady grins. "Do you have a name picked?"

"I'm getting another granddaughter!" Edaline grins

"Well... We are thinking Calla for a first name and maybe Edaline or Jolie for middle name" I smile.

"You would name the baby after me?" Edaline asks her voice cracking slightly.

"Of course mom!" I smile giving her another hug. 

"I love you" She whispers.

"I love you too Mom" I smile. 

"Want anything to eat?" Edaline asks when she pulls away.

"Mallowmelt please!" Keefe asks.

"Of course!" Edaline snaps her fingers and a tray of mallowmelt appears. All four of us grab two slices.

"Mhh. It's delicious!" I say grabbing a third. 

"Slow down hun. Don't want to get sick" Grady says.

"True" I mumble shoving the last piece in my mouth. We talk for awhile until we realize Kenric will be back from school in a few minutes. 

"Oh we have to go!" Keefe says grabbing his crystal. I grab his hand with one hand and the plate of mallowmelt with the other.

"Bye mom! Bye dad!" I yell. Once we get back Kenric is already there.

"Hi guys!" He smiles.

"Hi bud! Want some mallowmelt?" I ask showing him the tray. He grabs a slice and I put it on the counter. The door slams open and Amy walks in.

"Hi Mommy! Can I have one?" She asks.

"Yep!" I say handing her one. We sit on the couch and watch a human move until we all fall asleep.

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